CEOS Project & Applications Subgroup Hanoi May Global Data Set Task Team Status Wyn Cudlip on behalf of Lorant Czaran BNSC/QinetiQ Presentation to Project & Applications Subgroup Hanoi May 2007
CEOS Project & Applications Subgroup Hanoi May Global Datasets TT Aims o To encourage and support the creation of global datasets through the co-operation of CEOS member o Past successes include global avhrr maps and global 1km dem o Supported the distribution of the Global Landsat datasets for 1990 and 2000 o More recently, obtained access to global coastline dataset derived from the orthorectified Landsat images o Currently working on a plan to create a global 30m DEM (GTOP03E?)
CEOS Project & Applications Subgroup Hanoi May Next Generation 30m DEM Global dadaset o GEOSS has specified a high resolution DEM is relevant to 6 of the 9 societal benefit areas. o Created GEOSS Task DA-07-01: DEM Interoperability. o SRTM 30m dataset has holes and only goes to 60 deg. N o Gaps could be filled with ASTER and SPOT etc. o Several Agencies have shown interest – but no significant funding identified yet. n USGS n NGA/NASA JPL n BNSC n CNES o Could be joint activity with WGCV DEM Subgroup
CEOS Project & Applications Subgroup Hanoi May Future Plans o Gather support for 30m DEM Project. o Open to suggestions for work on other global datasets