WGISS Infrastructure Task Team (WITT) Status Report Stuart Doescher, USGS Dave Hartzell, NASA WGISS-18 September 2004 Beijing, China
WITT Task Team Name: –WGISS Infrastructure Task Team Task Team Lead Name and Contact Information: –Working members Stuart Doescher (USGS) Dave Hartzel (NASA) Sally Miller (NASA) –Advisory members Bernhard,Buckl (DLR) Lorant Czaran (UN) John Faundeen (USGS) Ivan,PETITEVILLE (ESA) Jolyon Martin (ESA) Ken McDonald (NASA) Lola Olsen (NASA) Osamu,Ochiai (JAXA/EORC ) Wyn,Cudlip (BNSC/QinetiQ) Yonsook,Enloe - (NASA)
WITT Purpose/Rationale: –WGISS Information Infrastructure Task Team was established in September –Support internal operations that promotes communications within and exterior to WGISS List Services WGISS WEB hosting Network – Implementation Strategy: –Working with Advisory group establish and prioritize activities –Send service request to High level requirements –Working with content inputs from WGISS members Update and establish list service Update and configure WGISS web Provide consulting on network related needs
WITT Approach / strategy: –Send to request service to Expected outcome/impact of the activity: –Improved internal and external communications Expected Duration of Task Team: –ongoing Listserv address: Project Web Site URL: –
WGISS 18 WITT Agenda WGISS 18 logisticsGuoqing li WITT services – list services Stuart Doescher –WEB services Stuart Doescher –DNS StatusDave Hartzell Network Report –JAXA Network Report Kengo Aizawa –Status of EOSnetDave Hartzell –Network Technology UpdateDave Hartzell Optical Research IPv6 overview
Apollo Hosting Services Apollo Hosting is providing mail and web services for WGISS. Apollo services that WGISS is using –Mailing-list Uses SmartList mailing list manager To use need an mail package that is x-command enabled Maintained via web interface (Webmaster) –Web hosting Current limited 500M bytes total storage Currently using 453M bytes WGISS – 17 Tromso presentations will be removed to make room for WGISS - 18
Mailing Lists Type of Lists –Subscriber Only Only people who deliberately subscribe to the mailing list can send mail to or receive mail from the list. Implies must have accurate address!! –Open Anyone can send mail to list.
Active Subscriber Only Lists to use Task Team Name Short Name (xxx)List Owner To all membersallJohn Faundeen Chair, Vice Chairs, Subgroup and Vice ChairsexecJohn Faundeen Projects and Applications Task Team LeadsprojectOsamu Ochiai WGISS InfrastrucureWITTStuart Doescher Interoperable Catalog SystemicsJoylon Martin Data ServicesDSTTBernhard Buckl ArchivearchiveStuart Doescher GRIDgridYonsook Enloe GRID-techgrid-techYonsook Enloe WTF CEOPwtf-ceopOsamu Ochiai EOGEO TTEOGEOAllan Doyle WTF Core Test SitescoreJohn Faundeen
Active Open Lists to use Task Team Name Short Name (xxx)List Owner ChairchairJohn Faundeen WebmasterwebmasterStuart Doescher
NON Active lists Several list have been discussed but are NOT active –Technology and Services Task Team Leads –International Directory Network –Networks –Global Datasets –Oil Spill Drift Prediction –CEOS EO Data Portal Need the short name and the initial list of addresses from the list owner
Mail Instructions To subscribe to the mail list –send a message to the –With subscribe in subject line. –Example: To: Subject: subscribe To unsubscribe to the mail list –send a message to the –With unsubscribe in subject line. –Example: To: Subject: unsubscribe The list owner will get notified of new subscribers. If need help send mail to
Request To ensure accuracy in the lists PLEASE –Review the list of the members of the mail lists at wgiss.ceos.org/Current subscribers.pdf wgiss.ceos.org/Current subscribers.pdf or –Mark up paper list that is being passed around. If you see problems, send to
WITT Web Service Web Site Administrator –Post contents (provided by WGISS members) –Send content updates to –Disaster recovery – periodic backup –Last two WGISS meeting proceedings will be posted (pending space constraints) –Need long term proceeding???
WGISS Content Responsibilities WGISS Secretariat: –Content at the higher level pages (non-SG, non-TT pages) Meeting content WGISS documents (WGISS reports to Plenary) All links to ceos.org, EOGEO, IGOS, etc. Subgroup Chairs: –Subgroup pages SG descriptions definitions Task Team list(s) Task Team Leads: –Administers TT pages TT descriptions and other contents or Pointers to TT pages if not stored on the WGISS site
Process for Page Updates Retrieve recent copy of web page Make changes and edits –Examine locally via browser Send updated pages to When webmaster notifies you that changes have been made, verify via web site Notify appropriate chair of changes Chair should examine and validate changes
DNS Support Top-level DNS (SOA) is done by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) for coes.org: –ceos.orgceos.org web requests go to host at JAXA –ceos.org mail exchanges (MX) go to host at Goddard Space Flight Center (currently) –wgiss.ceos.org web requests go to commercial host (Apollo Hosting)
Domain Names owned by NASA, DNS controlled by NASA: has been transition to NASA rep (Dave Hartzell) (NOT ACTIVE) owned by NASA, DNS controlled through Domain Direct: has been transferred to the USGS rep (Stu Doescher) (NOT ACTIVE) owned by NASA, DNS controlled through Domain Direct: has been transferred to the USGS rep (Stu Doescher)
CEOS.org Sub-domains The following sub-domains have been registered –wgiss.ceos.org - hosted though Apollo Hosting. –wgcv.ceos.org - managed by WGCV members –grid-tech.ceos.org – POC Allan Doyle The following sub-domains have not been registered. –unep.ceos.org - POC: Lorant Czaran –jaxa.ceos.org - POC: Osamu Ochiai –edc.usgs.ceos.org - POC: John Faundeen –idn.ceos.org - POC: Lola Olsen –webtech.ceos.org - site is currently down –disaster.ceos.org - POC: Levin Lauritson –access.ceos.org - POC: Ken McDonald –data.ceos.org - POC: Wyn Cudlip –network.ceos.org - obsolete If need any are needed contact