© GEO Secretariat The GEO WORK PLAN Draft Version 2 TOWARD CONVERGENCE Osamu Ochiai, GEO Secretariat CEOS/WGISS Meeting, Annapolis, USA, September 2006
© GEO Secretariat Task Convergence To bring multiple disciplines to activities organized within a task; To facilitate the merger of task activities where appropriate; To ensure ongoing, interdisciplinary linkages between related but separate tasks. New Proposals To merge previously disconnected tasks of the 2006 Work Plan to bring more coherence among related activities; To ensure completion of the two-year targets, as well as initiation of activities to meet the six and ten-year targets; To provide opportunity for new ideas to complement and refine the existing tasks and for new groups and communities to join GEO and contribute to GEOSS implementation. Overview of Concept
© GEO Secretariat 06 WP with 91 specific tasks has broad goals of 9 societal benefit areas. GEO II decided to develop work plan on a multi-year time scale in future First draft of WP issued on 2 June for technical review with emphasis on convergence and cross-disciplinary activities within and among tasks Second draft issued on 1 August for review by GEO Members and Participating Organizations, Executive Committee and Committees. 73 tasks proposed for WP –44 tasks of 2006 Work Plan are to be continued 9 tasks of 2006 have been completed 32 tasks of 2006 closed (merged or terminated) 11 tasks of 2006 redefined as Secretariat supporting activities –29 new tasks have been proposed Priority or Longer-Term Objectives
© GEO Secretariat 30 April:WP draft outline for informal consultation with experts 31 May:WP first draft v.1 for technical review 17 July:All comments are due to the Secretariat 31 July:WP draft v.2 for official comment by members and participating organizations 2 Oct:All comments and recommendations are due to the Secretariat 16 Oct:WP draft final version v.3 28 Nov:GEO-III plenary reviews and accepts the plan Process and Schedule
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - DI-06-02Seismographic networks improvement and coordination - DI-06-03Integration on InSAR technology - DI-06-04Implementation of a Tsunami Early Warning System at global level - DI-06-05Reference geographical products - DI-06-07All-hazard zonation and maps - DI-06-08Multi-hazard approach definition and progressive implementation - DI-06-09Use of satellites for Risk Management - DI-06-13Implementation of a Fire warning system at global level 2. New Tasks - DI-07-P1Risk Management for Floods - DI-07-P2Risk Management for Slowly Developing Disasters Proposals for Disasters
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Health 1. Continuing Tasks - HE-06-03Earth Observation and Health Pilot Projects 2. New Tasks - HE-07-P1Strengthen observation and information systems for health - HE-07-P2Environment and health monitoring and modelling - HE-07-P3Integrated atmospheric pollution monitoring, modelling and forecasting
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - EN-06-04Optimum exploitation of new observation systems 2. New Tasks - EN-07-P1Renewable Energy - EN-07-P2Environment Impact Monitoring - EN-07-P3Energy Policy Planning Proposals for Energy
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - CL-06-01Sustained reprocessing and reanalysis efforts - CL-06-02Key data from satellite systems - CL-06-03Intergovernmental mechanisms for terrestrial observations - CL-06-05GEOSS IPY Contribution - CL-06-06Global ocean observation system 2. New Tasks - CL-07-P1Seamless Weather and Climate Prediction System Proposals for Climate
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - WA-06-02Forecasts in the water resource management - WA-06-05In-situ water resource monitoring - WA-06-07Capacity building program in Latin America 2. New Tasks - WA-07-P1Global Water Quality Monitoring - WA-07-P2Satellite Water Measurements Proposals for Water
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Weather 1. Continuing Tasks - WE-06-01Surface-based Global Observing System - WE-06-02Space-based Global Observing System - WE-06-03THORPEX Interactive Global Grand Ensemble (TIGGE) - WE-06-05Numerical Weather-Prediction Capacity Building
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - EC-06-01Integrated Global Carbon Observation (IGCO) - EC-06-02Ecosystem Classification - EC-06-07Regional networks for Ecosystems 2. New Tasks - EC-07-P1Global Ecosystem Observation and Monitoring System Proposals for Ecosystems
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - AG-06-01GEOSS Agriculture Strategic Plan - AG-06-02Data Utilisation in Aquaculture - AG-06-04Forest Mapping and Change Monitoring - AG-06-06Demonstration Project Crop Monitoring - AG-06-07Training Modules for Agriculture 2. New Tasks - AG-07-P1Improve measurements of biomass - AG-07-P2Agricultural Risk Management - AG-07-P3Operational Agricultural Monitoring System Proposals for Agriculture
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - BI-06-02Biodiversity Requirements in Earth Observation - BI-06-03Capturing Historical Biodiversity Data 2. New Tasks - BI-07-P1Biodiversity Observation and Monitoring System Proposals for Biodiversity
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - US-06-01Identify priorities and synergies between SBAs - US-06-02Pilot Communities of Practice 2. New Tasks - US-07-P1Mesoscale Observing Networks - US-07-P2Millennium Development Goals Proposals for User Engagement
© GEO Secretariat 1. Continuing Tasks - CB-06-04GEO-NETCast Continue coordination with and receive input from user community Develop linkages to other dissemination methods as part of the overall GEOSS architecture Identify other infrastructure contributors to expand geographical coverage and build a global system Incorporate data and product contributions to serve all GEO societal benefit areas, which will likely require expanding bandwidth capacity Secure additional resources to evolve from the demonstration phase into a fully operational, global GEO-NETCast system Where infrastructure contributions are not yet in place, the strategy is to establish GEONETCast on a demonstration basis, then evolve to the full operational system covering both data exchange and dissemination. Proposals for Capacity Building (1)
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Capacity Building (2) 2. New Tasks - CB-07-P1Capacity Building Strategy Implementation - CB-07-P2Capacity Building Indicators - CB-07-P3Building National Capacity
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Architecture (1) 1. Continuing Tasks - AR-06-09High Resolution Multispectral Imager Continuity - AR-06-10GPM Mission Implementation - AR-06-11Radio Frequency Protection 2. New Tasks - AR-07-P1Interoperability arrangements for GEOSS (WGISS) Coordinate the core architectural principles in GEOSS, which have been initiated in AR-06-01, AR-06-02, AR and AR-06-04; Advocate commitments of new systems to the architecture of GEOSS, such as Sentinel Asia, GEONET, and WIS in the early operational phase of GEOSS, and ensure proper implementation; Test interoperability arrangements on newly contributed systems; Contribute additional architectural components to GEOSS.
© GEO Secretariat 2. New Tasks (Cont.) - AR-07-P2Interface Implementation for GEOSS (WGISS) With the objective to facilitate the implementation of information system interfaces, the "Clearinghouse task" (AR-06-05) and the "GEO Webportal task" (DA-06-07) are grouped. The prominent requirements for the Health, Ecosystem and Biodiversity SBAs will be addressed as a priority under this task. The User Interface Committee needs to participate with the Architecture and Data Committee on this task. Proposals for Architecture (2)
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Architecture (3) 2. New Tasks (Cont.) - AR-07-P3Virtual Constellations Advocate virtual constellation space observations following the CEOS constellation concept for better temporal, spatial, and spectral resolution and related data management and dissemination. Space agencies and related organizations should consider the development of space and ground segments for such constellation concepts in the mission planning phase. Addressing objectives of all SBAs and filling gaps between them must be duly taken into account. This task would include a broad array of active and passive sensor systems operating over broad spectral, spatial and temporal coverage and resolutions, possibly considering specific cases such as constellations of SAR systems or micro satellites for a range of Earth observation applications. In addition, a robust verification and validation program including both spatial and radiometric elements is needed to ensure the accuracy and integration of a diverse collection of sensor systems. The UN registration of space objects in accordance with the Registration Convention (1975) shall be taken into account. This task includes relevant synergies with AR and DI
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Architecture (4) 2. New Tasks (Cont.) - AR-07-P4Global geodetic reference frames Ensure the availability of accurate, homogenous, long-term, stable, global geodetic reference frames as a mandatory framework and the metrological basis for Earth observation.
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Data Management (1) 1. Continuing Tasks - DA-06-01GEOSS Data Sharing Principles - DA-06-02GEOSS Quality Assurance Strategy - DA-06-04Data, Metadata and products Harmonisation - DA-06-05Guidance Document for Basic Geographic Data - DA-06-06Spatial Data Infrastructures (WGISS) - DA-06-09GEOSS Best Practices Registry 2. New Tasks - DA-07-P1Higher Level Data Product Tools Development of tools enabling establishment of higher level operational data products from different sources such as time series and global maps. This will enhance global monitoring and prediction capabilities.
© GEO Secretariat 2. New Tasks (Cont.) - DA-07-P2Global Land Cover (WGISS&WGCV) Utilizing global and regional high-resolution land cover datasets and earlier 1-km resolution land cover data sets, implement production of a high-resolution global land-cover change dataset and report. Initiate regular analysis and reporting on land cover change and promulgate the use of these products, especially in developing countries. - DA-07-P3DEM Interoperability (WGISS) Facilitate interoperability among Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data sets with the goal of producing a global, coordinated and integrated DEM. This DEM database should be embedded into a consistent, high accuracy, and long term stable geodetic reference frame for Earth observation. (Former AR reclassified under Data Management). Proposals for Data Management (2)
© GEO Secretariat Proposals for Data Management (3) 2. New Tasks (Cont.) - DA-07-P4Data Integration and Analysis System (WGISS) It is expected that there will be a large increase in the volume of Earth Observation data. In addition to distributed data archives and integration system, data management facilities will be used for diverse and large-volume Earth Observation data from inhomogeneous information sources in cooperation with existing data centres. This task is to coordinate data management approaches that encompass a broad perspective of the observation data life cycle, from input through processing, achieving, and dissemination, including reprocessing, analysis and visualization of large volumes and diverse type of data.