Natural Disaster Management: WTF profile Pakorn Apaphant and Hiromichi Fukui Annapolis, MD September 11, 2006
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 Origin of the task team oLost caused by Natural hazards –2004Tsunami oGEOSS Task DI oto encourage in-situ and space agencies to (i) systematically record data over coastal regions subject to tsunami risk, and (ii) archive data in a form easily accessible to all countries. oWGISS realizes that a tool to access the data to support the disaster management is urgently required. oWGISS has studied and developed tools and technologies for better service and access to the information. oIn Asia, collaboration on natural disaster management using space-borne data exists oThis WTF is therefore established to coordinate relevant WGISS task teams, outside projects so that the above requirements can be fulfilled.
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 Purpose oTo make use of technologies and tools being studied/developed by WGISS, to support GEOSS task DI oIDN portal, ICS eoPortal, and standards for data archive and format oTo combine EO systems to facilitate information gathering and warning system for disaster and crisis management across coastal region in Asia oTo prototype Data Clearing House for better access of satellite imageries of Natural disaster risk areas in coastal area in Asia. oTo coordinate space agencies in Asia Pacific to share and/or exchange information about satellite imageries of natural disaster risk areas
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 PoCs oPakorn Apaphant, GISTDA oHiromichi Fukui, JAXA
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 Members/Participants oWGISS TTs oArchive TT oInternational Directory Network oInteroperable Catalogue TT oWGISS members oJAXA: Sentinel Asia –Fukui oGISTDA: ASIAES –Pakorn oOutside Coordination oSpace Agencies in Asia Pacific (i) systematically record data over coastal regions subject to tsunami risk, (ii) archive data in a form easily accessible to all countries.
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 Implementation --> Deliverables oPhase I: October 2006 to October 2007 oSet up IDN Portal. oSet up ICS eoPortal oDocument CEOS recommended standards oPhase II: October 2007 to 2008 oSetup the clearing house oSet up the Sentinel Asia System
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 Relation with WGISS Goal oOur activities are related to access, archiving and exchange of Satellite Images oThe systems will be interconnected and interoperable oCoordinate with CEOS and Non CEOS members oProvide forums through international coordination such as Sentinel Asia, ASIAES project, and APAN network oCEOS recommended standards for data archives and formats will be applied
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 Other info oExpected Duration of Task Team: 2 years oListserv address: oProject Web Site URL: (TBC)
WGISS Subgroup meetings and Plenary #22, Annapolis, MD, September 11-15, 2006 Presentations oIDN portal for "tsunami" data Lola Olsen oSentinel Asia Hiromichi Fukui oASIAES Clearing house Pakorn Apaphant oICS eoPortal for exchanging "tsunami" data Paul Kopp oData archives: standard and formats Kengo Aizawa