Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum B. Buckl 1 Data Services Task Team CONAE CETT, Thursday, 10th March 2005 Bernhard Buckl, DLR
Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum B. Buckl 2 Task Team Profile Purpose/Rationale: Forum for exchange of technical information about WWW / Internet related software technologies of interest to the CEOS community. Web services in general and Web mapping services (like WMS, WFS, WCS) in particular. In the context of Earth Observation these complement the transport of high volume remote sensing data over the Internet. DSTT observes and interacts with OGC and ISO standardisation activities and OGC testbeds (e.g. WCS, Sensor Modelling Language/SWE, OWS and previously ISO (Geographic Information - Services) and makes the results available to WGISS and its WTFs. DSTT shares information about its members' new data service related developments.
Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum B. Buckl 3 Task Team Profile Activities ISO completed (George Percivall NASA, now OGC) Sensor Web Enablement - interrupted (Mike Botts UAH) WCS completed (Liping Di GMU, Bernhard Buckl DLR) WGISS Menu – ongoing (Wyn Cudlip BNSC) GOFC Menu – cancelled (B. Buckl) OGC OWS-1 – completed (Allan Doyle NASA, Liping Di, B. Buckl) OGC update – ongoing (Allan Doyle) Web technology update – ongoing (Suresh Ramachandran NASA, Mayurtech, Allan Doyle NASA, GSDI, EOGEO, Intl. Interfaces …, Michael Burnett NASA, Blueprint Technologies) recently focused on Semantic Web, interrupted Agency Data Services – ongoing (all) Expected Duration of Task Team: ongoing Listserv address: Project Web Site URL:
Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum B. Buckl 4 DSTT Agenda 9:15Welcome - Bernhard Buckl (5 minutes) OGC Update - Allan Doyle (15) Introduction to OWS-3 - Liping Di (20) Web Technology - Allan Doyle, Michael Burnett (20) IDN Serf Update - Lola Olsen (20) 10:35Coffee break 10:50Agency Presentations NASA: ECHO Services - Michael Burnett (30) USGS: EDC Footprint Coverage Server - John Faundeen (30) 12:00Lunch 13:00JAXA: JAXA's OGC Activities - Shinobu Kawahito (20) Next Task Team Leader (5)