International Flood Network - IFNet - Akira Sasaki Deputy Director General Water in Rivers / IFNet Secretariat.


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Presentation transcript:

International Flood Network - IFNet - Akira Sasaki Deputy Director General Water in Rivers / IFNet Secretariat

- Overview of Flood Damage - Fig.-1 Affected by type of disaster and by period ( ) Source CRED, World Disasters Report 1999Source Asian Disaster Reduction Center, Data book of Asian Natural Disasters in the 20 th Century Fig.-2 Average occurrence and damage of natural disasters ( ) Occurrence Fatalities (thousand/year) Sufferers (million/year) Economic Losses (billion $/year)

Assisting activities to break the vicious circle of poverty and environmental degradation caused by floods and lead to a safe and secure life.

International Flood Network Image Project Planning MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure & Transport) MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure & Transport) WMO (World Meteorological Organization) WMO (World Meteorological Organization) WWC (World Water Council ) WWC (World Water Council ) JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) ADB (Asian Development Bank) ADB (Asian Development Bank) Others International Flood Network (IFNet) Accumulation and Submission of Information Input to International Conferences

<Establishment> International Flood Network (IFNet) was officially established during the WWF3 in Kyoto March 2003

General Meetings of IFNet are held annually, their dates and venues being decided jointly by the Chairperson and the Director General. The 1 st General Meeting 10 August 2003, Stockholm

Schedule after Establishment 10 August, 2003 The 1 st General Meeting in Stockholm March, 2004 The 1 st Preparatory Meeting for the WWF4 March, 2005 The 2 nd Preparatory Meeting for the WWF4 Summer/Autumn 2005Regional Meeting November, 2005 Advance Meeting for WWF4 March, 2006 WWF4

Global Flood Alert System ( GFAS ) One of the activities of IFNet implemented by - Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) - National Space Development Agency (NASDA) and - Infrastructure Development Institute (IDI)

On-Line Data Processing System Data for climate forecasts (realtime/near-realtime data) 3-hour global precipitation map (realtime/near-realtime data) Heavy rain around the Upstream of River Rainfall Prediction Flood Prediction Secretariat of IFNet Flood may occur in the downstream of River. Around the downstream of river It is heavy rain in the upstream of River. There is a possibility to occur a flood in X hours. Please evacuate to safe places. Organizations in Charge of Meteorology and Disaster Prevention Flood Alert Rainfall information Observation Satellite (GPM Observation Satellite (GPM Raw Data Grand Stations

Precipitation for three days in Elbe River Basin (2002 flood in Europe)

Inundated area Mulde River Elbe River August 14, 2002 August 20, 2002 European Flood Ex-post Situation, August 2002

European Flood 2002

Precipitation and Flow Rate of Elbe River

3-D Rain Structure

Satellites Observation (GPM TRMM (4-30 km) Ground Stations Data Processing System 3-hour Global Precipitation Data On-Line Probability Calculation Present Rainfall Estimated Precipitation of the Probability > Alert! (Information Dissemination to Countries Concerned) Obtainment of Precipitation Data/ Information Dissemination

Preparation for the System CollectionofPrecipitationData Estimation of the Precipitation of 10 to 30 Year Return Period

Probability Calculation

Issuance of Flood Alert

Daily Precipitation of Aug. 1, 2003 Derived from TRMM Data of Global Real-Time 3-Hourly Precipitation Analyses (3B42RT) by NASDA

Daily Precipitation Probability Derived from TRMM Data of Rain Accumulation (3B42) by NASDA 10-year Return Period 30-year Return Period

30-year Return PeriodJuly 26, 2003 Derived from TRMM Data of Rain Accumulation (3B42) by NASDA Derived from TRMM Data of Global Real-Time 3-Hourly Precipitation Analyses (3B42RT) by NASDA Daily Precipitation of Zambezi River Basin

Derived from TRMM Data of Rain Accumulation (3B42) by NASDA Derived from TRMM Data of Global Real-Time 3-Hourly Precipitation Analyses (3B42RT) by NASDA 10-year Return Period May 15, 2003 Continuous Heavy Rains Daily Precipitation of South China

Comparison of TRMM Data and AMeDAS Data TRMM

Comparison of TRMM Data and AMeDAS Data (No assumption of lacking data) TRMM ( ) TRMM data;

Comparison of TRMM Data and AMeDAS Data (Assumption of lacking data) TRMM ( ) TRMM data;

Schedule of System Development 2003 Study of GFAS by using the data observed TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) Study of GFAS by using the data observed TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)2004 Development of GFAS by using TRMM data Development of GFAS by using TRMM data 1 st Test Running of GFAS in the pilot areas 1 st Test Running of GFAS in the pilot areas2007 Completion Completion