U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Beyond the Archive Task Team Discussion at WGISS #25 February, 2008 Lyndon R. Oleson U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Sioux Falls, SD
2 Beyond the Archive Task Team From WGISS 24: It was agreed that the Archive Task Team be closed. ACTION WGISS-24-19: Kengo Aizawa to prepare a final report of the Archive Task Team outlining the work and accomplishments of the task team. WGISS-25 ACTION WGISS-24-20: Lyndon Oleson to lead a small group (former ATT members) who will generate a proposal to be presented at WGISS-25 of what steps could reinvigorate and refocus the handling of data preservation and archiving topics within WGISS. WGISS-25 Ken, Wyn, and Chuang expressed an willingness to assist Lyn with the response to WGISS
3 Beyond the Archive Task Team From WGISS 24: It was recommended that the ATT should be reorganized and closed based on a lack of TT membership and practical activities. It was noted that Archive related matters are still quite topical, that there is a lot of current work ongoing, and that there are GEO tasks relevant to archiving to which WGISS can contribute. It was noted that data preservation is as much about policy as technology, and that data preservation policy is under- discussed It was noted that the issue of archiving smaller data sets is also a topic that does not get discussed enough, and could be a topic for the ATT. There is still an interest within WGISS to have a focus on archives, and it is possible to redefine the activities related to archive matters.
4 Beyond the Archive Task Team Task Team Structure and Mechanics: WGISS and its task teams are not independently funded and are inherently best effort in nature WGISS-specific tasks depend on volunteer efforts of members utilizing whatever resources they may have available which many times is limited to only portions of their personal time Significant Task Team deliverables principally from the collaborative efforts of two or more members that create a higher-level or value added result from work already planned or underway within their own organizations To make progress on significant task team deliverables requires significant interaction and time spent outside of the limited available agenda slots for WGISS meetings. The basic sharing of information and experiences among members, while not resulting in task deliverables, is a valued benefit for WGISS members
5 Beyond the Archive Task Team Here is the description of the Archive Task Team (ATT) currently on the WGISS web site: The ATT is responsible for promoting, encouraging exchange and communication of Archive and records management best practices between the members of WGISS. Appropriate guidelines and recommendations for long-term archive data management, preservation and exchange among Agencies will be developed and distributed. As a result of a WGISS membership survey, the ATT initial focus will be on: Long-Term Archive Strategies or Policies Archive Media, Data Formats Storage/Backup Strategies Digital Data Preservation or Recovery
6 Beyond the Archive Task Team This description of the former ATT still seems very relevant: What, then, are the root issues that are necessitating a review and refocusing of the Archive Task Team? There seem to be plenty of topics of relevance and interest, so why are we having problems? Is it that there are too few active members? Do we have knowledgeable representatives on the Task Team from the agencies? Do we not have significant agency activities of common interest from which WGISS value added tasks could be derived?
7 Beyond the Archive Task Team What, then, are the root issues....? Must we be only task oriented? Wouldnt information exchange and experience sharing be of sufficient interest and benefit to members? But, how do we even sustain meaningful information exchanges if participation has been a problem in the past?
8 Beyond the Archive Task Team Proposal: Scope of the new (renewed) group The focus of the new group will be on long term data and information preservation. The topics will include such items as: Long-Term Archive Strategies or Policies Archive Media Archival Data Formats Storage/Backup Strategies Digital Data Preservation or Recovery Implement a new effort in phases that build, and also test commitment, as we go
9 Beyond the Archive Task Team Proposal (cont.): Initially, establish a Preservation Special Interest Group (not a task team) within the T&A Subgroup Composed of a core organizational team of 3 to 5 members to facilitate and guide subsequent steps. Identify member agencies with significant activities in the above topical areas Schedule presentations by these agencies to share status and plans in these areas at upcoming WGISS meetings Identify significant areas of common interest or activities that could form the basis of higher-order tasks Seek support and commitment for one or more multi-agency collaborative tasks If one or more tasks are initiated, organize specific task teams around them, but maintain Special Interest Group as the umbrella element with the Subgroup.