Use of EO data in sea ice monitoring Helge Tangen, Regional Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Use of EO data in sea ice monitoring Helge Tangen, Regional Director

Norwegian Meteorological Institute Content International Ice Charting Working Group Ocean & Sea Ice SAF (EUMETSAT) GMES project ICEMON

Norwegian Meteorological Institute International Ice Charting Working Group - IICWG - All Northern Hemisphere Ice Services Science and User Support + Data Exchange of knowledge on use of EO data Significant expert group to advice WMO etc. Will take initiative to GEO as user group

Norwegian Meteorological Institute Ocean & Sea Ice SAF - EUMETSAT Developed (Pre-) Operational Hopefully operational from METOP launch Automatic production of multi-sensor ice products Free use for all EUMETSAT members + other Arhive and user support

Norwegian Meteorological Institute Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (Satellite Application Facility) SSM/I AVHRR SeaWinds O&SI SAF, Ice concentration Funding: EUMETSAT Use of available satellite data, DMI, Météo-France, KNMI, SMHI responsible for High Latitude Ice concentration, SST, Ice edge, Ice type

Norwegian Meteorological Institute Ice Concentration OSI SAF

Norwegian Meteorological Institute ICE type from OSI SAF

Norwegian Meteorological Institute GMES Service Elements - ICEMON One out of 10 projects Monitoring Polar areas –Marine Safety –Climate –Environment –Resource Management Different service providers, common use of EO data

Norwegian Meteorological Institute High res. ice charts using SAR Ice concentration Ice type Development phases

Norwegian Meteorological Institute