Webmasters Workshop Walt Howe Delphi.com Forums
Bells & Whistles?
Guidelines b Accessibility b Simplicity b Readability b Navigability b Interactivity
Accessibility: What is Purpose of Site? b Provide Information? b Provide Services? b Sell or Persuade? b Entertain? b Foster Community?
Accessibility: Who is Target Audience? b What range of sophistication? b What range of equipment & software? b What connection speeds? b What limitations? b Must I reach them all?
Accessibility: Who is Target Audience? b What range of sophistication? b What range of equipment & software? b What connection speeds? b What limitations? b Must I reach them all? If you MUST reach a broad range, detect browsers and write alternate versions!If you MUST reach a broad range, detect browsers and write alternate versions!
Accessibility: Things to Think Twice About b Large graphics files b Image maps b Java, JavaScript, Vbasic, ActiveX b Plug-ins b Frames b Browser Unique Features
Simplicity b Make your first screen fit 640 x 360 (no scrolling) b Avoid text scrolling across screen b Avoid blinking text b No more than one, simple animation, and it should limit repetition b Avoid clutter (most portals look awful)
PubWeb First Page
Readability b Think of those of us with bifocals and senior eyes. b Keep block text in narrow, fixed width columns (dont let it expand to fill screen). b Use fixed width centered table.
Navigability b Dont let anyone get lost … b...even if a search engine brings them in at a lower level b Be consistent in links, buttons b Dont rely on Back key! b Keep all main content within three clicks of your starting screen
Interactivity b Support your purpose with activity b Keep people interested and active b Provide easy feedback (forms, mailtos, message boards) b Link to definitions, cites, explanations with small pop-up screens (must be user selected - force it, and theyll hate you!) b Be imaginative
Resources b b b b