Research Services Introduction to research data management - a humanities case study Slides provided by DaMaRO Project, University of Oxford
Research Services The researcher Helen Redgrave, a doctoral student in the Department of History Explored the emotional experience of ageing in mid 20 th century Britain Looked particularly at the interactions of social researchers with research subjects Re-analysed historic social research data from four social research projects conducted between 1937 and 1965
Research Services The dataset Four major datasets, comprising interview summaries, field notes, personal observations, questionnaires, photographs, etc. Some material accessed by visiting archives Some available for download from UK Data Archive and the Mass Observation Online database A total of 749 files of research data, mostly in PDF format
Research Services Storage and back-up strategy Working data stored on personal laptop Daily back-ups made to external hard drive Weekly back-ups made using University of Oxford’s HFS back-up service Proved invaluable when laptop crashed – allowed data to be retrieved easily Researcher would also have like to put a copy on Dropbox, but the dataset was too large
Research Services File naming strategies – examples Order by date: _notes_MassObs.docx _questionnaire_MassObs.pdf _notes_Gorer.docx _questionnaire_Gorer.pdf Order by subject: Gorer_notes_ docx Gorer_questionnaire_ pdf MassObs_notes_ docx MassObs_questionnaire_ pdf Order by type: Notes_Gorer_ docx Notes_MassObs_ docx Questionnaire_Gorer_ pdf Questionnaire_MassObs_ pdf Forced order with numbering: 01_MassObs_questionnaire_ pdf 02_MassObs_notes_ docx 03_Gorer_questionnaire_ pdf 04_Gorer_notes_ docx
Research Services File naming strategies In retrospect I am not very happy with the method I used for naming files. The biggest problem was with the newspaper articles I downloaded… I named the files only based on the topic of the article, without mentioning the name of the periodical and the year of publication, which would have been very useful later, when I began writing the thesis. – Doctoral student researching communication history
Research Services Metadata – data about data A formal, structured description of a dataset Used by archives to create catalogue records
Research Services Data preservation and sharing plan As the researcher was working with pre-existing datasets, she did not own the rights – so was not able to publish the data used However, the data is already publicly available via the archives she obtained the material from Hence in this case, further use of the data could be facilitated by pointing other researchers to the material (e.g. by references in publications)
Research Services Rights and re-use This slideshow is part of a series of research data management training resources prepared by the DaMaRO Project at the University of OxfordDaMaRO Project It is based on information about real research projects provided by the academics who worked on them – though names have been changed, and case studies may have been edited, amplified, or combined The slideshow is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike LicenseCreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike License Within the terms of this licence, we actively encourage sharing, adaptation, and re-use of this material