Some benchmark numbers of TPTP 4.2 runtime Viacheslav Rybalov, July, 2006
Test machine description Laptop IBM ThinkPad T42P Processor: Intel Pentium M 1.8 GHz RAM: 2 GB Windows XP Professional SP2
Run SpecJBB 2005 – standalone mode SpecJBB 2005 equivalent execution time (*) –W/o profiling8min 3sec –W profiling, printing to file blocked9min 51sec –W profiling, output printed to file 13min 12sec Size of output file ~5GB Import of the output file to Eclipse failed (as expected **) Peak Heap Usage (OS+SpecJBB equiv. +profiler) was ~640MB in all cases CPU utilization on the machine was 100% almost permanently * In SPEC.props config file ending_number_warehouses set to 2 ** Maximum Java heap size (-Xmx) set to 256MB (default)
Import XML file to Eclipse Size of test XML file ~220 MB Time to load (import) file into Eclipse1min Time to load in each of the available views ~1-4sec in all cases
Run SpecJBB 2005 – controlled mode Application loading time~3sec SpecJBB 2005 execution time (*)~60min Proccesed ~4GB Events proccesed ~35M Peak Heap Usage (OS+Eclipse+SpecJBB+profiler) was ~840MB CPU utilization on the machine was 100% almost permanently * In SPECjbb.props config file ending_number_warehouses set to 1