COPYRIGHT ANSWERS - for the information professional - Special Library Association Denver, June 6, 2007 Lesley Ellen Harris
No Answers Each situation is unique
Applying Copyright Copyright law is interpretative, not exact Many gray areas Copyright risk management
Be Proactive
Know Your Copyright Uses Do you frequently photocopy materials for in-house seminars? Are your licensed electronic databases used in your offices around the world? What is your standard procedure for obtaining permissions to use content of others?
Sensitize Senior Management Users of copyright materials must look at compliance as an integral part of their goals A copyright owner could stop you from using a work Pay $$ to copyright owner Pay attorney fees and costs of law suit Your organization may be seen as unethical
Who is Liable? Everyone who contributes to the copyright infringement may be liable That includes your organization/employer, other employees, and you personally It may even include customers who use content you send them
Learn Principles Fair use Role of licenses and CCC Compliance procedures
Coordinated Efforts to Comply Complying with copyright law is an organization-wide issue A librarian or other person cannot single handedly ensure compliance Tools are needed to help ensure copyright compliance
Tools 1.Copyright compliance policy 2.Copyright education program 3.Copyright officer 4.Resources 5.Copyright lawyer
Copyright Compliance Policy Written policy, which is regularly updated Widely distributed and discussed Include purpose statement, basics on copyright Practical answers to re-occurring copyright questions
Education Written publications (such as copyright compliance policy) In-person and online courses Internal discussions and guest speakers
Summary Be proactive Sensitize senior management Educate organization-wide Develop copyright compliance policy
Questions? Lesley Ellen Harris