RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda Friday, March 14, :00 – 11:30 AM
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda RADEXT WG presentations for IETF 71 are online at: RADEXT Issues Tracker is located at: 9:00 – 9:10 Preliminaries Blue Sheets Note Takers Jabber Scribe Agenda bashing Document Status
RADEXT WG Document Status Published as RFCs Issues & Fixes (RFC 5080) Digest Authentication (RFC 5090) Dynamic Authorization (RFC 5176) Completed WG last call Attributes for Filtering and Redirection Design Guidelines Extended Attributes Documents In WG last call draft-ietf-radext-management-authorization-02.txt Individual submissions currently under review draft-aboba-radext-wlan-04.txt draft-zorn-radius-encatrr-07.txt draft-zorn-radius-keywrap-13.txt draft-dekok-radiusext-dlts-00.txt
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda Documents Completing WG Last Call (20 Minutes) 9:10 – 9:20 Design Guidelines (Alan DeKok) design-02.txt design-02.txt 9:20 – 9:30 Extended RADIUS Attributes (Glen Zorn) extended-attributes-01.txt extended-attributes-01.txt
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda Documents in WG Last Call (10 Minutes) 9:30 – 9:40 RADIUS Authorization for NAS Management (David Nelson ) management-authorization-02.txt management-authorization-02.txt
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda Pre-WG Work Item Review (20 Minutes) 9:40 - 9:50 IEEE 802 Attributes (Bernard Aboba) radext-wlan-04.txt radext-wlan-04.txt 9: :00 RADIUS support for EAP Re- authentication (Lakshminath Dondeti) radext-erp-attrs-03.txt radext-erp-attrs-03.txt
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda RADIUS Crypto-Agility (40 minutes) 10:00 – 10:15 RADIUS Crypto-Agility Requirements (David Nelson) radext-crypto-agility-requirements-00.txt radext-crypto-agility-requirements-00.txt Should the WG publish the RADEXT Crypto Agility Requirements document as an Informational RFC?
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda RADIUS Crypto-Agility (40 minutes) 10:15 – 10:40 AM Discussion What progress is being made on the candidate submissions? Some recommendations for moving forward.
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda RADSEC & Re-Chartering (30 minutes) 10: :10 RADSEC (Stefan Winter) radsec-01.txt radsec-01.txt Should RADSEC become a RADEXT WG work item, with an accompanying charter revision?
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda Miscellaneous (20 minutes) 11:10 – 11:20 RADIUS Message Fragmentation when using EAP methods (Stefan Winter) RADIUS Proxy Failures when using EAP methods (Stefan Winter)
RADEXT WG IETF-71 Agenda Miscellaneous (20 minutes) 11:20 – 11:30 Roaming Extensions for Radius Server (Vamsi Krishna GONDI) radext-radius-roaming-01.txt radext-radius-roaming-01.txt Radius Mobility Extensions (Vamsi Krishna GONDI) radext-radius-mobility-00.txt radext-radius-mobility-00.txt