ITU-T/OIF Report IETF 76 – Hiroshima – Nov09 L. Ong (Ciena) Thanks to Malcolm Betts & Kam Lam for ITU- T slides
OIF Status OIF met October 2009 –Continued work on 100G interface specifications –Active networking projects: Routing, Multilayer architecture End-to-end multi-domain restoration Interest in PCE applications and new OTN extensions –2 Liaisons to IETF CCAMP
OIF Liaisons 1.Identifies questions on restoration triggers and error codes from liaison to the last IETF meeting –No response from the last liaison 2.Notes follow up drafts to provide more detailed input to CCAMP as requested: –ASON routing experience (draft-ong-gmpls-ason-routing-exper- 00.txt) –Routing extensions (draft-theillaud-gmpls-ason-routing-add- fcts-01.txt) –Inverse multiplexing ( draft-roch-ccamp-gmpls-inv-mux-00.txt)
ITU-T SG15 Met Sept-Oct –Adopted new OTN extensions –Updates to G.7713, G.7716 –Reviewed IETF work on WSON –Reviewed IETF work on MPLS-TP Liaisons from SG 15 –Revised OTNT Work Plan –Lambda switch capable equipment (WP2) –Comments on WSON Impairment Work (WP3) –Enhancements to OTN (WP3)
Q.14 Work on ASON Requirements Q14 has consented Revision of Rec. G.7713, Distributed Call and Connection Management –Interlayer signaling requirements, per G.8080 interlayer architecture. –Call modification for non-disruptive bandwidth modification –Exception handling for interlayer connection defects, call/connection modification Q14 has consented New Rec. G.7716, Architecture of Control Plane Operations –How to plan and operate an ASON network, including sequencing of the management operations
SG15 Liaison on OTNT Work Plan Updated version of the OTNT work plan provided –Comments requested –Yoshinori Koike, George Young are contacts
WP2 Liaison on Lambda Switch Capable Equipment Thanks CCAMP for its liaisons and looks forward to continued exchanges Provides detailed comments and proposals for draft-ietf- ccamp-gmpls-g-694-lambda-labels-04.txt –Esp. on references and terminology Points to new revision of G.697 Provides comments on impairments draft –Esp. modeling of regenerators Notes no further progress yet on G.680 –Not yet able to provide list of parameters for path computation –May be future contributions on metrics for amplitude and phase impairments
WP3 Liaison on WSON impairments draft Black link – do we have a common definition? ITU-T definition –Bounded by 3R regeneration functions –Only end-to-end maximum impairment is specified No information is available as to the contents of the link –Black links cannot be concatenated CCAMP work involving links in which impairments are estimated (e.g. item C of section Approximated Impairment Estimation) it would be less confusing to use a term other than black link
Work on the architecture Q12 has initiated work on the architecture (G.8080) –The agreed direction for the work is to describe the topology used for routing as a single layer a 3R function will be shown as a transitional link and the wavelength flexibility/conversion will be described as a parameter Aggressive target of consent at the June 2010 meeting
WP3 Liaison on OTN Enhancements - 1 New payloads (Lower Order ODU) –ODU2e –ODUflex GFP mapped packet clients or Proportionally wrapped CBR client High Order ODUs (the links between nodes) –Added (nominally) 1.25Gb/s granularity Tributary Slots (TS) to the existing (nominally) 2.5Gb/s TS –ODU4 rate – 80TS (100Gb/s)
Enhancements to OTN - 2 The actual capacity of a TS is dependent on the HO ODU: –An ODU2E required 9TS in an ODU3 but only 8 in an ODU4 –G.Sup43 identifies an ODU3e1/2 that would only use 8TS to support an ODU2e Note G.sup43 is NOT a standard, but is widely used –GMP is the mapping method for new payloads Location of variable and fixed stuff bytes computed per link based on the link bit rate and the payload bit rate and tolerance –TS allocation is determined per link and must be provided to both ends of the link
Approach to the model in G.872 Current model describes each ODUk as an independent layer network –Bit rate is an implicit characteristic of the layer Moving to allow description of ODU as a single layer network –Bit rate becomes a parameter
Implications for the control plane Link information –OTU rate(s) –Total number of TS available –TS granularity (1.25/2.5) –Maximum supported payload size Payload information –Bit rate and tolerance The mapping of the payload onto a link is determined locally –E.g. allocation of fixed and variable stuff bytes