draft-ietf-mediactrl-call-flows-02 Alessandro Amirante Tobia Castaldi Lorenzo Miniero Simon Pietro Romano (University of Napoli Federico II/Meetecho)
09/11/09IETF 76th, Hiroshima2 Changes Updates for latest framework draft Changed m-line in COMEDIA negotiation Changed connection-id token ('~' vs ':') Corrected flow in Section (too verbose) MRB placeholder Already has some flows and considerations
09/11/09IETF 76th, Hiroshima3 MRB Publish Interface Control Package implemented in our prototype Request and notifications work MRB in the draft Negotiating the package (SYNC) MRB subscribing for notifications to MS (get info every 5 seconds) /
09/11/09IETF 76th, Hiroshima4 Publishing example
09/11/09IETF 76th, Hiroshima5 Questions? Further discussion?