1 SIP End-to-End Performance Metrics (draft-ietf-pmol-sip-perf-metrics-00.txt)draft-ietf-pmol-sip-perf-metrics-00.txt 71 st IETF Conference PMOL Daryl Malas
2 Updates Since Last Revision Included all framework comments –Updated scope, but suggest small change: Change Network Operator to SIP Service Provider as defined within draft-ietf-speermint-terminology Also suggest this should include vendors, since they will likely implement it to allow capturing inputs for algorithm consumption –Are there timer concerns or issues? Updated metrics based on comments –Corrected (clarified) Registration Request Delay (RRD) Failures Updated failure conditions to include timeout scenarios Updated failure responses to EXCLUDE 401, 402, and 407 Updated call flow example
3 Updates Since Last Revision Contd –Updated Session Establishment Efficiency Rate (SEER) Fixed typo in the algorithm Added 401, 402, and 407 to be subtracted from the denominator
4 Next Steps Fix a few nit issues Q&A Ready for WGLC?