A Minimal Deployment Option for Multicast Listeners in PMIPv6 Domains draft-schmidt-multimob-pmipv6-mcast-deployment-02 Thomas C. Schmidt HAW Hamburg
Objectives o Define a simple multicast deployment option to work in the PMIP world as we know it o Comply to -Existing protocols (PMIP + Multicast) -PMIP deployment perspective o Use lightweight standard components o Allow for as much traffic aggregation as possible within the scope of current specs
The PMIP Picture |LMA1| |LMA2| LMAA1 -> | | <-- LMAA2 | | \\ //\\ +---\\ //------\\----+ ( \\ IPv4/IPv6 // \\ ) ( \\ Network // \\ ) \\ // \\-+ \\ // \\ Proxy-CoA1--> | | <-- Proxy-CoA |MAG1|-----{MN2} |MAG2| | | | | MN-HNP1 --> | MN-HNP2 | <-- MN-HNP3, MN-HNP4 {MN1} {MN3}
| Multicast | | Source | / \ |LMA1| |LMA2| Multicast Anchor LMAA1 | | LMAA2 | | \\ //\\ \\ // \\ Unicast Tunnel \\ // \\ Proxy-CoA1 || || Proxy-CoA |MAG1| |MAG2| MLD Proxy | | | MN-HNP1 | | MN-HNP2 | MN-HNP3 MN1 MN2 MN3 Multicast Deployment on PMIP Put Standard Mcast Querier onto LMA: DR or MLD Proxy Put Standard MLD Proxy onto MAG: 1 Instance per Uplink
Combined Signaling: MCast on PMIP MN1 MAG1 MN2 MAG2 LMA | | | | | | Join(G) | | | | >| | | | | | Join(G) | | | | |< | | | | | | | | | Aggregated Join(G) | | | +================================================>| | | | | | | | Mcast Data | | | | |<================================================+ | | | | | | Mcast Data | Mcast Data | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Combined Signaling: MCast on PMIP (2) MN1 MAG1 MN2 MAG2 LMA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--- Rtr Sol -->| | | | | | | | | | MLD Query | | | | |< | | | | | | | | | Join(G) | | | | >| | | | | Aggregated Join(G) | | | +===============>| | | | | | | | Mcast Data | | | | |<================================================+ | | | | Mcast Data | | | | |<===============+ | Mcast Data | | | | |< | Mcast Data | | | | |< | | | | | |
Summary & Outcome oProposal natural to PMIP deployment oMLD proxy well adopted & lightweight oTraffic flows/aggregation may be optimal, but need not be -In the presence of native multicast routing at MAGs, direct routing is favorable option Proposal to WG: Adopt as WG item when merged with direct routing option from draft-sijeon-multimob-mms