Applicability Statement of NSIS Protocols in Mobile Environments draft-ietf-nsis-applicability-mobility-signaling-12.txt Takako Sanda, Xiaoming Fu, Seong-Ho Jeong, Jukka Manner and Hannes Tschofenig IETF#74 in San Francisco 26 Mar. 2009
2 Recent works (1/2) After v09, authors and contributors have revised the draft toward to the final version. Introduction (Section 1) -> Advantage of NSIS mechanisms have been added (done in v10) Requirement Notation and Terminology (Section 2) -> Cleaned up accordingly Problem Statement (Section 3) -> Title has changes to Challenge with Mobility, generic problem statement has been introduced (done in v10) Basic Operations for Mobility Support (Section 4) -> How NSLP are solving Section 3s issues in generic way has been introduced, from QoS NSLP (done in v10) and NATFW NSLP (done in this version) points of view.
3 Recent works (2/2) Interaction with Mobile IPv4/v6 (Section 5) -> Mobile IP specific parte (ex. tunneling management) has been introduced. Feedback from implementation side has also included (done in v11) Further Studies (Section 6) -> Kept as simple as possible, to introduce possibilities for future work (done in v10) => All open issues has been closed
4 NATFW NSLP Example of NATFW NSLP signaling in a Mobile IPv6 route optimization case (data: MN->CN) Only the NI can update the signaling session The obsoleted state in the old path is not explicitly released. A CRN may send NOTIFY to MNs old CoA
5 Next Step Authors/Contributors would like to hear further comments from the WG Is this the time for WGLC? Thanks