Charles Albright The Eyeball Killer
Biography Birth name: Charles Frederick Albright Born: August 10, 1933 in Amarillo, Texas Adopted by Delle and Fred Albright
The Trouble Begins Age 13: petty theft, arrested for assault At 16: caught with stolen cash, handguns and rifles Married College girlfriend Forged Checks, claimed false credentials 1965: Albright and wife separated 1974: Albright and wife divorced
Mary Lou Pratt December 13, 1990 - Mary Lou Pratt, 33, a well-known prostitute in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas. Her body was found lying face-up. She was wearing only a T-shirt. She was shot in the back of the head with a .44- caliber bullet. The medical examiner discovered that this killer had removed both eyes without making much of a mark on the eyelids, and apparently had taken them with him.
Susan Peterson February 10, 1991 - Susan Peterson, a prostitute, was found nearly nude, with her T-shirt pulled up to display her breasts in the same manner as Pratt. She had been shot three times: in the top of the head, in the left breast and point-blank in the back of the head. One bullet had pierced her heart and another entered her brain. A clump of her hair lay on her chest. She had been dumped in south Dallas, just outside city limits, and the medical examiner found that this victim bore another grisly similarity: her eyes had been surgically removed
Shirley Williams March 18, 1991 - Shirley Williams, a part-time prostitute, was found naked, lying on her side near a school, with her eyes removed. Williams also had facial bruises and a broken nose, and she had been shot through the top of her head and in the face.
Summing It Up In conclusion, I believe that Charles Albright's obsession began early in his childhood. As a young boy, his adopted mother allowed him to kill small animals, and quench his love of taxidermy by attempting to stuff these animals. They were too poor to afford the glass eyeballs taxidermists traditionally use, and substituted buttons in place. I think Charles' killing need began with these small animals, and just got out of control. He repressed the memories of his childhood, and figured humans were no better, and that they didn't deserve real eyeballs either.
Brought to you by James Fugett II