Copyright © 2011 Verizon Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed solely for uses that are both (a) educational and (b) non-commercial. Any reproduction or distribution of this document for any other purpose, including commercial gain, is strictly prohibited. Thinkfinity and The Holidays Carol Cherson ETTC
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
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9 Lets Play……. Lets head to the front page Search Engine –Easy –Accessible –Refine Search Acrostic –Find 5 th entry –Click URL –Type Thanksgiving in the title –Follow with me
10 THANKSGIVING-Acrostic Thankful for all the good in my life Happy for my family and friends Always feeling joy and love
11 What You Can Use For Any Holiday Acrostic - Use for any HolidayAcrostic Comic Creator - Use for any HolidayComic Creator Family Traditions – Lessons that can be used for any holidayFamily Traditions Project Mystery Cube –not just for HalloweenMystery Cube Feature Archives – As far back as 2007 – find the Featured items you can use to highlight holidaysFeature Archives Wonderopolis
12 November Holidays Hispanic Culture Month -a plethora of sites to use and viewHispanic Culture Month –Hispanic Culture Starts today –Be sure to look at the websitesHispanic Culture Starts today –Search ListingsSearch Listings Veterans Day –calendar activityVeterans Day –Price of Freedom – InteractivePrice of Freedom –Search ListingsSearch Listings Thanksgiving – lesson plan (Econolink)Thanksgiving –Packing The Pilgrims TrunkPacking The Pilgrims Trunk –Search ListingsSearch Listings Election Day –variety of lesson plans and informationElection Day
13 December Holidays December Holidays –All three holidays – lesson (Edsitement)December Holidays Hanukkah –Search ListSearch List Christmas – Search ListSearch List Kwanzaa –Search ListSearch List
14 January & February Holidays January Holidays Dr. Martin Luther King Jrs Birthday – an entire day filled with activities found in Science NetlinksDr. Martin Luther King Jrs Birthday –100 Acts of Kindness100 Acts of Kindness –Search ListSearch List February Holidays Black History Month – many activities and lessonsBlack History Month Ground Hogs Day Valentines Day Presidents Day –many activities and lessonsPresidents Day
15 March –June Holidays March Holidays Womens History Month April Holidays Poetry Month –Poem Interactive ActivitiesPoem Interactive Activities May Holidays Cinco De Mayo Mothers Day Memorial Day June Holidays Flag Day –play find the flag and other activitiesFlag Day
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19 For More Information….. Contact: Karen Warner ( ) ink or your local ETTC.
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