Current and Future Implementation of Response to Intervention
2 Local Norm Project Hybrid between DIBELs and Skill Builder Probes Local norm sample consisted of 576 across 1 st -5 th grades More than 100 students per grade DIBELS data was from approximately 400 students per grade K-2
3 Sample From 1 st and 2 nd Grade
4 Overall Implementation and Expansion 2006/2007 school year RTI procedures were piloted in two elementary schools –One large school (700 students) Springmore –One small school (330 students) Casar 2007/2008 implementation expanded into two more large elementary schools –Fallston Elementary (560 students) –Union Elementary (630 students)
5 Overall Implementation and Expansion 2008/2009 two more small elementary schools have started implementation 2009/2010 first middle school with an additional two to four elementary schools
6 Correlation Studies looking at EOG and CBM Assessments EOG and ORF correlation coefficients –3 rd grade:.69 –4 th grade:.59 –5 th grade:.53 EOG and Maze Fluency correlation coefficients –3 rd grade:.61 –4 th grade:.63 –5 th grade:.63
7 Correlation Studies looking at District performance on EOG and CBM Assessments EOG and Skill Builder Word Problem probes correlation coefficients –3 rd grade:.64 –4 th grade:.49 –5 th grade:.60
9 Benchmarking All RTI Schools K-5 th Grade All students will be screened three times a year using either DIBELS, Skill Builder probes, or Aims Web Maze Fluency probes Teachers will be shown data and told who needs to enter Tier 1 Teachers will also be shown what skill to teach and what to use to progress monitor each child
10 Continuing Training Refresher trainings are being completed to keep schools current with RTI procedures Teachers are used to lead trainings later in the year for new RTI schools in District Teacher trainings consist of: How they have fit interventions into the day, what interventions have been used, and overall progress they have seen in their classes
11 Barriers Understanding that process is not more but different Teachers understanding purpose and theory behind Curriculum Based Measurements Currently lacking middle school norms for needed expansion
12 Breaking Down Barriers Continue training that involves instruction on methods, paperwork, etc. that involves coaching and feedback for teachers Continue to show data that validates CBMs at the local level Currently working on developing local middle school norms with a sample of students from all four middle schools in district
13 Fidelity and Integrity Forms have been developed to check on fidelity of interventions and meetings discussing interventions Audit form to make sure fidelity of entire Tier III process Evaluation data taken from teachers to find out how they feel about the process.
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