Testing Code of Ethics Testing code of ethics is law. General Statute 115C-12(9)c; 115C-81(b)(4) No person may copy, reproduce, or paraphrase in any manner or for any reason the test materials. Test administrators shall administer tests according to the directions in the administration manual as well as read all directions as written. Unethical practices include: using secure test items or modified secure test items for instruction, changing student responses, not testing all eligible students, etc. Sanctions include: civil action against person for copyright infringement, seek criminal prosecution of person responsible for violation, revoke the professional license of the person, etc. testsecurityhttp:// testsecurity
State Tests Reading Grades 3 – 8 Math Grades 3 – 8 Science Grades 5 & 8 Algebra I Biology English II
MSLs LEA determined testing window – TBD Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring
New AMOs Goal: To reduce the percentage of non- proficient students by one-half within six years. No sanctions. Minimum subgroup size: 30 95% tested now has consequences
Helpful Websites (New Assessment Information) testing/releasedforms (Available Winter 2013) testing/releasedforms