Turning Point Grades 6-8 2011-2012. Free/Reduced, AMOs and Percent Proficient data includes Alternate Assessments and Retest One. All EOG Regular Assessment.


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Presentation transcript:

Turning Point Grades

Free/Reduced, AMOs and Percent Proficient data includes Alternate Assessments and Retest One. All EOG Regular Assessment students are included in Mean Scale Score and Goal Summary (Skill Analysis) data. Data prior to does not include Alternate Assessments or Retest One.

Performance Composite

Reading Grade 6

Math Grade 6

Reading Grade 7

Math Grade 7

Reading Grade 8

Math Grade 8

EOG Disaggregated Data


Reading LEA


Math LEA

Reading & Math

Reading & Math LEA

Not Eligible & Free/Reduced Lunch This data includes Alternate Assessments

Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) This data includes alternate assessments

EOG Science

After studying the data, Turning Point is now ready to determine academic strengths and needs.