RCIP Policy Forum Direction of the Canadian Rural Partnership Initiative Keith Cossey Senior Policy Advisor Atlantic Region Rural Secretariat Government of Canada Truro, Nova Scotia February 26, 2004
Rural Secretariat n Special Policy Unit within AAFC n tasked by Federal Cabinet with developing and co-ordinating CRP across Federal Govt departments »Federal Framework for Action in Rural Canada »11 Rural Priorities »IWG and Rural Teams »Rural Dialogue »Rural Lens »Rural Research »Rural Outreach and Communications »Program Initiatives
Rural Secretariat... n tasked by Federal Cabinet for a second phase of five years and to engage the Provinces and Territories on behalf of the Government of Canada in developing a National Rural Policy Framework
Rural Secretariat Org Chart
Where Are We Heading? n Speech from the Throne n National Rural Policy Framework n Departmental Plans and Priorities n Rural Team NS
Speech from the Throne 2004 n Communities a balanced approach to the different issues of large and small, urban and rural municipalities n “Local solutions to local problems” n Regional and Rural Development n Improved relations between the federal and provincial governments n Recognition of the importance of the “social economy”
National Rural Policy Framework n FPT collaborative process n Meeting of Ministers in Kananaskis 2003 n Govts are listening and “getting their acts together” n Place-based rather than sector-based n A policy alignment tool to provide guidance to sectoral policy development, program design and service delivery over a five to ten year timeframe
NRPF Values and Principles... n Communities are the cornerstone n Local leadership development is the key to success n Flexibility is required to address rural diversity n An holistic and integrated approach n Co-operative and corporate entrepreneurship
Rural Secretariat Plan for n Further Develop the NRPF n Support for the PS and Senior Managers n Support Rural Teams and Partnership Development n Continue the Rural Dialogue n Support the National Rural Youth Network and Rural Co-ordinating Organizations (CCN) n Apply the Rural Lens and advocate the regional perspective n Rural Research Networks n Rural Outreach and Communications
Rural Team Nova Scotia n Pan-Canadian Priority - Rural Team Roles in Contributing to the Development of the NRPF n Pan-Atlantic Priority - Rural Re-population Immigration and diversity Attraction and retention of youth “Back to Rural” Innovative and creative approaches n Improved Communications
Rural Team Nova Scotia... n Application of the Rural Lens at the Provincial, Departmental and Team level n Enhanced Collaboration and Partnerships »CCN »Rural Youth »Acadian, Aboriginal and other Minority Communities »Federal Council »Provincial Government »Municipalities n Regional Rural Research Network as a resource for information, data and analysis
RCIP Policy Forum Questions and Discussion