Everything you always wanted to know about ELLs and did not know enough to ask! Joy S. McLaughlin, Ed D Education Horizons, LLC
Why do educators know so little about the education LEP students? Teacher education programs in North Carolina do not include courses on educating LEP students. NC does not have an endorsement for educators in teaching ELLs. Administrators have not had course work in legal mandates related to LEP students.
Legal Mandates Fundamental Issue: Equal is not equal: Doing the same thing for all students is not in compliance with the law. (Handout #1)
Federal - Landmark Legislation Lau vs. Nichols (1974) – Meaningful education Equal Education Opportunity Act (1974) Casteneda v. Pickard (1981) – programs based on sound theory and practice Lau Remedies (1975) – pedagogical directives Plyler v. Doe (1982) NCLB (2001)
NC Law (NC General Statutes) 16 NCAC Subchapter 6D – Instruction (1996) Identification, placement, monitoring, instruction of LEP students.
ELL Myth or Fact???? Students acquire English faster at younger ages Students will learn more English if they do not speak native languages at home When students are immersed in English they will learn more quickly. Students who do not perform at grade level should be retained. Students who do not perform at grade level benefit from remediation programs designed for native English speakers. Students with limited English cannot demonstrate use of higher order thinking skills. Students pretend not to understand. Students who do not speak need speech services.
Equity: Planning Instruction; What every teacher should know about each LEP student. The educational background of each LEP student in the class (and parents) The IPT scores and language proficiency levels of each student The first language literacy of each student The country of origin and the cultural characteristics of each student
Equity Equal Access to the Curriculum. Determine who is taking calculus in high school. Gate-keeping classes that keep LEP students out. LEP students are underrepresented in AG/overrepresented in EC; Who is taking higher level courses? is a multicultural question; Where is the ESL class located in a school? is an equity question. Source: (Nieto, 2007)
What instructional modification is NOT: Buddy of same language to help novice students; Using same materials for all students; Giving novice students seatwork unrelated to lesson objectives. Planning lessons without including considerations for LEP students. Equity is Modification of Instruction
Equity is Modification of Instruction; What modification is! Modification of Classroom Instruction provides Equal Access. Modified Presentation of Material Instructional strategies (SIOP - see handout #2) Visuals, realia, project-based activities, interactive, culturally appropriate, (Video - Mrs. Amin - Discussion)
Equity is Modification of Assessment What are ineffective assessments with LEP students? True/false tests Multiple-choice tests Essay questions
Equity: Effective Assessments Fill in blank with word bank Open book Take home tests (Extended time) Tests in Simplified English Reduced length Retell Picture/Pointing Cloze tests
Equity AND Grading of LEP Students What do you think? Modified assessments produce appropriate grades.
Equity and Promotion and Retention LEP students will not be on grade level. In order to retain LEP students, it must be evident that limited English is not the reason for failure to meet standard. See handouts 3,4.
Why is Cultural Knowledge Important? Collier, 1994
Spanish vocabulary Vowel Sounds: A – E – I- O- U Palabras: Esposa Edificio Techos Despertamos Cama
Translation Read and translate the article (handout #5) Discuss your translation with a partner What did you find helpful?
ESL/Regular Classroom Academic Literacy ESL Regular Classroom Language Content ____________________________________ Content Language
Essentials to Literacy Make Appropriate Modifications (Assessment and Instruction) Build Background Activate Prior Knowledge/Cognates Teach Vocabulary in Context Teach Higher Order Thinking Skills to all levels of L2 proficiency. Encourage L1 proficiency Use appropriate diagnostics to fine tune instruction Know cultural differences Create nurturing and accepting classroom climate.
Questions?????? Evaluation