Stems/Spelling Week 8
plasto Meaning: molded Example: plaster Sentence: My dad used plaster in order to fix the molding around the door.
il Meaning: not Example: illegal Sentence: Illegal drugs are not allowed in the United States.
fort Meaning: strong Example: fortify Sentence: Many cereals claim that they fortify bones to make them stronger.
culp Meaning: blame Example: culprit Sentence: The boy blamed the culprit as the one who actually stole the candy.
pac Meaning: peace Example: pacifist Sentence: A pacifist does not believe in fighting; he would rather everyone be peaceful instead.
numer Meaning: number Example: numeral Sentence: III is the numeral for the number three.
zo Meaning: animal Example: zoology Sentence: In zoology class, you will study the life of animals.
dia Meaning: across Example: diagonal Sentence: My best friend lives diagonal from me across the street.
spir Meaning: breath Example: respiration Sentence: Humans rely on the use of respiration to stay alive by breathing.
acro Meaning: high Example: acrobat Sentence: An acrobat flies high through the air.
ecto Meaning: outer Example: ectoderm Sentence: A snail’s ectoderm protects it from the outer harsh weather.
brev Meaning: short Example: abbreviation Sentence: An abbreviation allows for a long word to be shortened.
derm Meaning: skin Example: epidermis Sentence: The epidermis is a layer of your skin that helps protect against the sun.
necro Meaning: death Example: necrophobia Sentence: She has necrophobia, and is afraid of death.
cule Meaning: small Example: molecule Sentence: A molecule is so small that it can only be seen under a microscope.