Test Strategies Lesson Example: Time for Kids November 2008 “Endless Ocean Wonders” Skill: Interpreting Text Features Hand out Reading Selection A face down. Flip on teacher’s call for three seconds and flip back over. What can you tell me about this reading selection. Do the same with reading selection B. Which can you tell more about? Which one are you more interested in reading? They are both the same article, one has text features and one does not. Is this selection narrative or informational text? How can you tell? Explain to students that authors of informational text use text features that make the reader want to read, give clues about the text, and help the reader understand the text. When you take a test, you will usually be asked questions about the features of the text. (Bold Print, Italics, Headings, Pictures, Captions, etc.) Look at examples slides of text features and practice answering multiple choice questions interpreting the author’s purpose. Facilitate Student Interest Explain and Model Skill Focus 1
Test Strategies- Lesson Example: Examine the text features of “Ocean Wonders.” List them as a class. Discuss the author’s purpose for each. Ex: Why did the author use parentheses? Italics? Quotes? Headings? Pictures? Captions? How does each make you want to read, give you clues, or help you understand the selection? Students answer 2-3 multiple choice questions about the selection with a partner and discuss answers as a class. Apply skill to reading Independent Practice 5