Welcome to Geometry IA/IB Mr. Fleisher This is a TEAM effort!
Expectations Students will come to class each day with paper, pencil, and spiral notebook or three ring binder Teacher will begin class on time and have all necessary materials ready Students will come prepared to learn Teacher will come prepared to teach
Class Rules Respect Others -- Thoughts, speech, space, learning, time, property, etc. Be on time -- in seat with materials & RTL Be Prepared – Homework, writing utensil, notebook, textbook, etc. Raise your hand if you need something Pencil Sharpening, question, etc. Follow directions the first time they are given Obey All Other School Rules
Homework Students will be required to write down any assigned homework and the day s instructional focus each day. If a student or class has difficulty returning homework on time, I may require a parent s signature beside the homework assignment. This is to help ensure that parents are aware of the homework assignments given. No credit will be given for late homework unless the student is absent. One day will be given for each absence to make up missed work.
Progress Reports Will go out every three weeks Will include tardy and absence totals Will have teacher contact information on them Must be signed and returned by the next school day for 100% homework credit Detentions may be assigned for failure to turn them back in with parent signature
Credit Requirements Student must pass with 70% or higher Student must meet attendance requirement (no more than 6 absences per semester) After school remediation may be expected second semester according to student performance and/or P.E.P.
Behavior If a student is assigned a classroom detention, they may be expected to serve it before school at 7:15 or 7:30 since I have duties after school. If a student does not serve a classroom detention, then I will turn in an office referral, which will lead to an office assigned detention. If students fail to serve an office-assigned detention, then they may be suspended
Homework Late homework will not be accepted if the students was present the day it was assigned. If a student is absent, then they will have one for each day absent to complete the assignment. Students will receive a 100% for HW for simply attempting EVERY problem and showing their work. However, if a student does not do their HW, then they will receive a 0. All I am looking for is maximum effort!
Grading Students can expect HW every day, quiz every Wed. and a test every Friday. Semester Grade Weights 1st Quarter37.5% 2nd Quarter37.5% Final25% Quarter Grade Weights HW/Classwork25% Quizzes25% Tests50%
Make-up Students will be allowed to make up homework ONLY IF THEY WERE ABSENT THE DAY IT WAS ASSIGNED. Students will have ONE WEEK from the original date to make up a missed quiz or exam It will be the student s responsibility to schedule a time to make up the quiz or exam. Make-up times are offered after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:20 in the test make-up room. A test not taken (made-up) will result in a 0, which will be detrimental to a student s grade. Students may retake any test to better their grade
Parent Involvement Please call me at and ask for my extension to leave a message me at You can check out my website -- linked from KMHS website THANK YOU for attending! Your involvement and commitment is the key to your childs success!