p. 468 Protist Notes
Protists Eukaryotes (have nucleus) Most unicellular (made of only 1 cell) Many kinds
I. Animal-Like Protists (Protozoans) Heterotrophs (can’t make own food) Most able to move around Unicellular Types:
Protozoan with Pseudopods (Sarcodines) Pseudopod – “false foot” or bulge of cytoplasm used to move/feed Example: Amoeba
2. Protozoans with Cilia (Ciliates) Cilia – hairlike projections that move like waves, used to move or get food Example: Paramecium
3. Protozoans with flagella (flagellates) Flagella – long, whiplike “tail” Symbiosis – relationship where at least one partner benefits Mutualism – relationship when both partners benefit Parasite – relationship when one partner harms another (its host)
4. Protozoans that are parasites Feed on the cells/body fluids of their host
II. Plantlike Protists Autotrophs (make own food using sun’s energy) Algae Important food source Contribute oxygen Many pigments (chemicals that produce color)
1. Diatoms Unicellular Dead used as Polish Scouring insecticide
2. Dinoflagellates Unicellular 2 flagella Some glow in dark
3. Euglenoids Green Heterotrophs when no sun Example: Euglena
4. Volvox Volvox are round They live in colonies autotrophic
5. Green Algae Most unicellular Found in water or land
6. Brown Algae Most seaweeds Color: green, yellow, orange, or brown Live in water Some used as food
1. Slime molds Bright colors Vary in size Ooze
2. Water mold/downy mildew Live in water/moist places Example: water mold that killed Irish potato crops (1845, 1846)