Journal – Think about your bedroom. What do you think it tells people about you? (REMEMBER TO WRITE THE JOURNAL QUESTION BEFORE ANSWERING IT!)
Journal- What is your definition of success in life? Explain!
Journal Entry Why do you think that prejudice exists? What are some ways that people can eliminate it?
Journal Entry- Name 3 famous people who are good role models- why do you look up to them?
Journal Entry- If you could add a 5th person to Mount Rushmore (Picture!) Whom would you add? Why?
Journal Entry- Whom do you admire? Why?
JOURNAL Do you believe in things like UFOs, The Lock Ness Monster and Bigfoot? Write about your opinions about these things.
Journal Entry “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (women) to do nothing” (E. Burke) What do you think that this statement means? Do you agree? Write about a time that you did nothing!
Journal Entry- What aspects of nature do you find the most beautiful? Describe it in a way that will help others appreciate nature.
JOURNAL ENTRY- What are the 3 most important qualities you think make someone a “good” person? Explain!
What animal are you most like? Explain. Journal Entry- What animal are you most like? Explain.