READING Read the prompt question first. What are you being asked to write about? Read the article one paragraph at a time. Note the purpose of each paragraph. Underline/make notes. Figure out unfamiliar words from the context, replacing them with familiar words. Focus on what you do understand rather than what you do not.
PREWRITING Identify the purpose of the article and the main points (supporting ideas). Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Brainstorm your thoughts on the issue – on paper! Make a list, cluster, outline. Decide your position on the issue. One only. Select your main points. Brainstorm supporting details for your main points. Use EXAMPLES.
WRITING Begin your essay with a summary of the article. Name the author, title, and the source of the article. A lengthy introduction is not required. Include the main points of the article State your position (thesis) on the issue. Write body paragraphs that are complete and relevant. Explain your idea. Provide support using examples, statistics, reading and so forth. Use specific details…create a picture.
MORE ON WRITING Write body paragraphs that are complete and relevant. Explain your idea. Provide support using examples, statistics, reading and so forth. Use specific details…create a picture. Tie your paragraph back to your position. Provide a simple conclusion that rephrases your position. Do not include any new information.
EDITING Leave yourself time to edit. Read the essay “aloud” slowly. Check that your verbs are the correct tense and number. Check that every pronoun (it, they, he, she, etc.) is clear. Check for mistakes such as their and their. Correct your writing the best you can, remembering that you do not need to be perfect.
REMEMBER If language is an issue… Write simply and clearly. Use words that you know and can spell. Keep your sentences short.