By May, 2010, the testing department will have counted over 112,000 test books, over 2,800 test administrator manuals, over 17,500 sheets of graph paper, and over 19,000 student surveys.
The testing department packs each of the 24 different tests that are given throughout the year by school, by grade, by teacher, and by period for each school test coordinator. Each school chooses the way they wish to receive their testing materials. By May, 2010, the testing department will have lifted more than 32,000 pounds of materials. That is the equivalent of 3 full grown elephants!!
By May, 2010, the testing department will have precoded, scanned, and printed reports for over 66,500 answer sheets including benchmark testing. We will have printed over 28,000 individual student reports for parents and over 15,000 test labels for the students cumulative folder (grades 3-8 only).
The testing department provides individual school powerpoints, community profiles, disaggregated data, teacher percent proficient/growth data, as well as special requests for each school principal. We also provide data for Close the Gap. Check out our new website off the main CCS