5-1 Chapter 5 Defining Objectives © David O’Sullivan
5-2 Reflections Outline the process of defining goals for an organization. Explain the benchmarking process. Explain the difference between rational and incremental goal definition. What do each of the letters in PEST stand for? How do strategic objectives differ from performance indicators? Define a mission statement. How does mission differ from vision?
5-3 Activities [Discussion of selected student ‘Activities’ from previous chapter]
5-4 Learning Targets Describe the importance of stakeholders in the innovation process Explain the terms transactional and contextual requirements of stakeholders Define strategic thrusts Understand how to develop strategic objectives Explain the importance of concise strategic plans Discuss how to evaluate strategic objectives Understand the need to monitor emergent objectives
5-5 Stakeholders
5-6 Defining Requirements Objective data analysis Delphi forecasting Focus groups Conjoint analysis
5-7 Stakeholder Requirements
5-8 Activities
5-9 Strategic Plan The strategic plan can be broken down into two related areas: Strategic thrusts and Strategic objectives The strategic thrust identifies a specific area of focus. Different industry sectors will place greater focus on particular thrusts, given their importance to the industry strategic objective relates to the choices that the organization makes in order to innovate
5-10 Strategic Objectives Two basic elements Thrusts Objectives Often the terms ‘strategies’ and ‘objectives’ are interchangeable Sometimes the term ‘decisions’ is used
Thrusts 5-11
5-12 Strategic Thrusts - example Capacity Facilities Technology Vertical integration Workforce Quality Planning Organization
5-13 Strategic Thrusts - example Facilities Organisation Processes Products Markets Finance
5-14 Strategic Thrusts - example Learning and Growth Customer Internal Processes Finance
5-15 Objectives Statement of organisational goals Strategic ‘Decisions’ Statement on the allocation of resources (people and money)
5-16 Decisions Strategic Broad in Scope Long Term Encompassing Empowering Tactical Narrow scope Short term Specific Enabling
5-17 Attributes Objectives provide GUIDANCE for change over 1/2/3 years Objectives are dynamic and receptive to change Objectives are pro-actions not reactions Objectives should not replace intuitive thinking Objectives only identify most significant issue. Other issues will also exist.
5-18 Generic Objectives cost leadership objectives differentiation objectives focused (niche) objectives
5-19 Strategic Objectives Suitability Acceptability Feasibility
Methodology 5-20
5-21 Strategic Objectives
5-22 Objectives for Innovation Most objectives change the operations environment Processes, services, products, etc. Some objectives change the innovation environment itself Innovation process Innovation resources
5-23 Summary Describe the importance of stakeholders in the innovation process Explain the terms transactional and contextual requirements of stakeholders Define strategic thrusts Understand how to develop strategic objectives Explain the importance of concise strategic plans Discuss how to evaluate strategic objectives Understand the need to monitor emergent objectives
5-24 Activities
5-25 Search Online Brainstorming, MindMap and Creativity - ThoughtOffice Innovation Software Disruptive Innovation – Clay Christensen Jeff Bezos on Amazon