Middle Adulthood Generativity vs. Stagnation Family Life: Thriving or surviving?
Developmental Tasks Managing a career Nurturing an intimate relationship Expanding caring relationships Managing the household Psychosocial Crisis: Generativity vs. Stagnation
How to Achieve the Developmental Tasks of Middle Adulthood 2IC7chttp:// 2IC7c
Generativity operationalized Loyola Generativity Scale-complete and score Generative concern Generative commitment Generative action Generative narrative
Generativity results AGE n Range Median Mean
Stagnation Defined as: lack of involvement and inclusivity, self-absorption, lethargic, apathetic in… Self Relationship Work Community
Hypothesizing: What might prompt reflection on one’s impact? Realization that one has reached halfway point – awareness of mortality. Meaning of earlier contributions becomes apparent. Increased stability allows time for reflection. Others?
Developmental stages of families Remaining single Partnered, no children Before children When children are in early and middle childhood When children are adolescents When children are adults When parents become grandparents
Grandparents parenting In WA state, 61,900 children live in grandparent-headed households In 35,761 of these, neither parent is present 71% under age 60 13% living in poverty Nationwide, 6 million living with grandparents, 2.5 million without parents present 71% under age 60 19% living in poverty Why does this happen? –Divorce –Teen parenting –Death or disability of parent –Substance dependence of parent –Incarceration of parent
As developmental psychologists, consider and discuss… How might the role of “parent of grandchildren” create role strain, role conflict or role loss? Consider the developmental tasks…how would parenting a grandchild contribute to or detract from accomplishment of them? In what ways might this experience impact the psychosocial crisis, generativity vs. stagnation? What research questions would help us understand how to provide support? What type of support would improve developmental outcomes for the family members?
Grandparents- –Grief, anger, resentment, guilt –Culture shock –Financial drain –Health issues –Relationships (between grandparents, with peer group) –Sense of purpose –A second chance at parenting –Close relationship with grandchildren