Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board Regional/County Solid Waste Master Plan Update June 22, 2011
Regional/County Solid Waste Master Plan Supporting Activities Powerful Players: Powerful Actions Forum Strategic Planning Research Studies
Powerful Players: Powerful Actions Forum June 13 Forum with waste industry and business leaders Focused on commercial recycling and organics management Purpose: –Discuss actions the private sector intends to take to meet the Policy Plan 15% organics and 60% recycling goals –Gain ideas for use in the SWMCB strategic planning process and the Regional/County Solid Waste Master Plan
Powerful Players: Powerful Actions Forum Key Points Consistent regional approach could provide benefits: –Regional policy, pricing, incentives approach –Regionally uniform system –Education Need top management commitment to make and sustain change in a business waste decisions
Powerful Players: Powerful Actions Forum Key Points Government role important with institutions Increasing recycling and organics management needs to be financially neutral for most businesses to participate, but doing the "right thing" is an important motivator as well Many businesses have recycling programs but theyre not being fully implemented Target government efforts to certain business types; help design for success through monitoring, goal setting, measuring and reporting
Powerful Players: Powerful Actions Forum Break Out Sessions Commissioner Reports Hauler Facility Generator Markets
Powerful Players: Powerful Actions Forum Continue to evaluate the comments A Summary Report is currently under production Build on connections made; use information in Strategic Planning and Master Plan
Strategic Planning 2011 Approved Work Plan: Amendment #1 : Undertake a strategic planning session with Commissioners and Staff to develop a framework for future SWMCB work plans and budgets. Provide guidance in the development of the Regional Solid Waste Master Plan and the future duties of the SWMCB.
Strategic Planning: Three Parts Electronic Survey of Commissioners In-depth in person interviews Strategic Planning Workshop (August)
Research Studies 2011 Work Plan Research and evaluate approaches used throughout the country to increase recycling and organics management including financial and non-financial incentives and other options that could be implemented at the regional or sub- regional level
Research Studies Commercial Recycling Study –$17,000 Budget Residential and Commercial Organics Study –$23,000 Budget
Request for Letters of Interest Competitive Solicitation 5 proposals received for organics - Aspen Research Group; Foth; Paul Gardner Consulting; Resource Recycling Systems; and Skumatz Economic Research Associates, Inc. 4 proposals received for recycling - Aspen Research Group; Foth; Resource Recycling Systems; and Skumatz Economic Research Associates, Inc.
Recommendation Skumatz Economic Research Associates, Inc. for BOTH Studies –Colorado based firm with national research experience –Has an extensive database of existing research and information on programs –Expansive subject matter knowledge in both recycling and organics management –Proposal included not only research; but an economic and quantitative analysis of potential strategies –Project manager has authored numerous research articles and studies –Lower rates than most; most hours proposed –Offered a clearly thought out project, suited to SWMCB's Master Plan needs.
Action Requested Total Contract: Not to exceed $39,500 –Recycling: $16,905 –Organics:$22,595 Board approval necessary for contracts in excess of $25,000 Action Requested: –That the Chair be authorized to finalize negotiations and enter into an agreement with Skumatz Economic Research Associates, Inc. for the organics and recycling research studies for an amount not to exceed $39,500 for a term of June 30, 2011 through December 31, 2011.