How to form and use the conditional tense in Spanish.
Conditional Tense Uses. Definition: the conditional tense is in the future. It translates in English as … We would … I would … You would … You would (pl) … He/She would … They would …
Conditional Tense Formation. To start with, you need an infinitive, i.e. vivir, comer, escuchar .. etc -ía -ías -íamos -íais -ían Then, you need to add on the endings to the infinitive. The endings are … These endings work for -er, -ir and also -ar verbs, like the future tense.
Future in the past - weird ? Well, we have this tense also in English Example: Last month he said he would go to Las Vegas the following week. (he talked about a future actions – at the given time – that is already past she he had already gone to Las Vegas a week after.
Exercise 1. How do you say … ? These are all regular verbs. I would speak Hablaría You would listen Escucharías She would eat Comería We would start Comenzaríamos You (pl) would go Iríais They would drink Beberían
Exercise 2. This is the same exercise but with the irregular verbs. We would say Diríamos I would fit Cabría They would know Sabrían You would want Querrías He would be able to Podría You (pl) would go out Saldríais
Irregulars ... Hacer – har… Caber – cabr… Querer – querr… Saber – sabr… Decir – dir… Venir – vendr… Poner – pondr… Tener – tendr… Salir – saldr… Haber – habr… Poder – podr…