Organisms and Their Environments Life Science Characteristics of Distinct Environments
Habitats SwampsRivers and Streams Tropical rainforests DesertsPolar regions Temp.Warm-hotVariesHotHot-coldCold WaterAbundantWater environment HumidDryDry/ Frozen Plant Life (examples) Tall trees Cypress trees, ferns, water lilies Bushes/tree on banks, Water plants Abundant Trees, vines, Lush growth Scarce Cactus Mostly Lichens/ mosses Animal Life (examples) Alligators, Water birds, Turtles Fish,Crayfish Snakes Insects Birds Vines Trees Snakes, Lizards, Scorpions, Rabbits Seals Polar bears Penguins
Swamps Located in areas with warm temperatures Because swamps have thick plant growth such as ferns and reeds, small bushes and small trees do not thrive because of lack of sunlight. Surviving trees are very tall, reaching for sunlight.
Swamps Standing water causes the trunks of trees to spread out to provide support. Ex. of Tree: Cypress has “knees”, or roots that come to the surface for oxygen.
Living Organisms in Swamps alligators turtles ducks frogs egrets
Rivers and Streams Moving bodies of water can be found in warm or cold areas Fast moving water prevents trees from growing, so there are few if any large trees in a river or stream. The moving water also tends to be full or debris, limiting sunlight and thereby limiting other plant growth.
Rivers and Streams They can be fast or slow moving water. –The speed of the water flow determines the types of plants and animals that live in them or use them There are many plants along the banks (bushes and trees) as well as water plants. Many plants use these plants for food or shelter. –fish, crayfish, snakes, and insects
Living Organisms in Rivers and Streams fish crayfish insects bushes trees snakes
Tropical Rainforest Are very humid and warm and have an abundance of rain that leads to lush plant growth –for example: tall trees, vines, ferns, orchids, and other colorful flowering plants Animals that live in the rainforest are usually very colorful to match the variety of plants that live there. Many animals are also tree dwellers, moving across the tree canopy, rather than traveling on the ground
Living Organisms in the Tropical Rainforest tall trees vines ferns orchids other colorful flowering plants birds monkeys frogs
Deserts Are dry with extreme temperature ranges Some are covered with sand. During the day it is very hot, whereas the nights are very cold.
Deserts The animals that live in the desert have adapted to these conditions. Examples of specific animal adaptations are… –have ways to conserve moisture –the ability to go long periods without water (ex. cactus) –can withstand extreme temperature changes –thick skin (reptiles) to protect their body from the hot sun –sharp claws to dig burrows to stay warm at night/escape the sun in the day
Living Organisms in Deserts cacti lizards scorpions jackrabbits
Polar Regions Very cold with little plant life –Occasionally, there will be a rock with lichens growing on it or possible reindeer moss. The amount of daylight varies greatly throughout the year. –Winters are mostly dark with only moon and starlight –In the summers, there is up to 24 hours of daylight
Polar Regions Animals have adapted to this environment by having extra fat or thick fur for insulation and waterproof outer coverings Include the tundra, the arctic, and Antarctica areas
Living Organisms in Polar Regions reindeer seals polar bears arctic foxes penguins small plants, lichens, or moss