WALT: Reflect on the Sikhi events of 2011 Reflect on our 2011 being Make Targets for 2012
Collective Prayer
Ground Rules Listen 2.Respect 3.Openness 4.Kindness and compassion 5.Share
Reflections Definition 1: contemplation: a calm, lengthy, intent consideration And Definition 2: mirror image
TASK 1: On your mirror write down what you see in your reflection TASK 2: On the other side write down your name and pass your piece of paper around the room so others can write what they see TASK 3: Read what others have wrote down. Circle any similar statements. Totals= how many?
Love your projection and your projection will love you! What’s the moral? Love yourself and believe in yourself! Raise your self esteem and self awareness It’s NOT about ego it’s about showing love, kindness and compassion A random act of kindness, a smile, a hug, a text, the way you interact- even a nice look can make the world of difference! Project your divinity, grace and beauty as a woman You’re beautiful and your simplicity radiates in every pore YOU ARE A PRINCESS- love your sisters and let them love you. Make maharaj WANT to live in your heart Love your projection and your projection will love you!
Definition 1: Contemplation: a calm, lengthy, intent consideration TASK: On your mirror highlight ALL the positive aspects identified Let’s move onto how you can harness your positives to: Spread and project positivity To reflect positivity, kindness, grace and divinity Learn from 2011 and grow in 2012 AND ABOVE ALL Build your connection with maharaj!
Reflections of 2011 Choose a couple of the list ideas below and have some fun: Most proud? What are you most proud of in 2011? It’s been a rough year for many, maybe even for you, but if you think back I’m sure you can find at least ten shining moments. Things learned? What did you learn this year? Did you have any breakthroughs? Mistakes made; lessons learned. While my list would certainly exceed just ten, focus on the big mistakes you made, and more importantly, what lessons you learned from them. Regrets (if any)? If you could turn back the clock, what would you change in 2011? Friendships made? List new friends in 2011 and what you appreciate most about their friendship. Be sure to share your list with them. Proud didn’t do? It’s not just what we do that matters, it’s often what we don’t do. What didn’t you do in 2011 that you are proud of? Toughest decisions? Were there decisions in 2011 you agonized over? What did you learn from them? Why were they so difficult? Make your top 10 lists and share them with friends. And if you haven’t already, make sure you write yourself the one letter than can change your life and make 2012 your best year yet…
The Past.... “Praises for our past triumphs are as feathers to a dead bird.” “Do good and then forget it” SO everyday do good and wake up for a fresh start and perspective “I leave behind me both my failures and accomplishments. What I do today will create a new and better future, filled with inner joy." DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP-learn and grow
The present and future..... GOAL SETTING Short Term vs. Long Term Sikhi/Spirituality, physical, employment, general, reflection of 2010 Make them SMARTS S- specific M- measurable A- achievable R- realistic T- time specific S- support required?
Where can you find daily inspiration? Group Task: In your groups now compile an A-Z of inspiration, try to be specific.
Inspiration.... TASK: In your groups now compile an A-Z of inspiration, try to be specific ABCDEFGHIJKLMABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
Inspiration is everywhere.... “I love living life...I am happy.” E&feature=related
Writing..... “The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say.” Diary Letters to yourself Blog Thoughts, feelings journal Sikhi notebook Letters to maharaj Sikhi based articles or experience articles (newsletters) Drawings and paintings POETRY Have a quick read through LIFE WITHOUT GUROO. TASK: Write a poem about how you feel about God. Or write a letter to maharaj explaining what you feel about him.