Dunkin’ Donuts Audrey Keruly
Why Dunkin’ Donuts? It is one of my favorite drinks. It is cheaper than Starbucks and Caribou Coffee. It is delicious, inexpensive, local, excellent customer service, and made to order.
The Objectives To show how much cheaper it is to buy Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Coffee and how to save money as a college student. To make an interesting site with the new techniques learned in the classroom.
Problems I Encountered The buttons did not work right away. Links did not work going to My Homepage. Hard to think of an idea as to what to do for my Excel Spreadsheet. Applet was hard to find and to install. Finding an easy and fast commercial to show was difficult.
What I Learned The different prices within the examples presented on the website. How to design the website in my own unique way. How to correctly install an Applet on the website.
My Website Link back to my Homepage My Proposal Powerpoint Excel Applet Page Dunkin’ Donuts 2010 Commercial A link to show the locations of the closest Dunkin’ Donuts Website to the Dunkin’ Donuts My Website