14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Possible Collaboration between Seoul National University and Subaru Myungshin Im (CEOU/Astronomy Seoul National University)
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Outline Introduction of SNU Astronomy Previous collaborations between SNU and Japan Exploration of Future Collaborations
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Seoul National University Astronomy 11 Faculty Members (one Japanese, starting soon) 1 Visiting Professor (Prof. Matsumoto) 1-2 Research Professors 6 Postdocs >50 Graduate Students Research Center (CEOU; 9-yr), Radio Observatory/Optical Observatory Galaxy evolution/formation (M.G. Lee, M. Im), AGNs (M. Im, J. Woo), IR galaxies (H. M. Lee, M. Im, M.G. Lee), Large scale structures/halos (J. Lee), Stellar clusters (M. G. Lee, S. Lee), Stellar populations/stars (S. Lee, M. G. Lee), SNe remnants (B. C. Koo), Star formation (B. C. Koo, Y. Park), Radio instrumentation (Y. Park), Zodiacal light & dust (S.S. Hong), Solar system (Ishiguro, Hong), the Sun (J. Chae)…
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Facilities UKIRT 3.8-m Telescope (~20 nights per year) Maidanak 1.5-m Telescope (Uzbekistan, 2 months per year, SNU4kCAM) 6.5m Radio Telescope on campus Small Telescopes on campus AKARI (ISAS/JAXA)
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Surveys SNUQSO (Seoul National University Bright Quasar Survey in Optical) Bright quasar survey in the zone of avoidance [PI: Im] IMS (Intermediate-wide, Medium-deep Survey in NIR) ~ 150 square degree NIR imaging survey (~23 AB mag; PI: Im) QSONG (AKARI Spectroscopy Study of Quasars) 2.5 – 5 micron NIR spectroscopy of z > 3.4 quasars (PI: H. M. Lee, M. Im)
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) AKARI Collaboration Software contribution (1 faculty + several junior scientists at ISAS always) Scientific collaboration (Large surveys, Mission programs) Example: North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Survey (5.8 square degree) : many core Japanese astronomers (mostly ISAS) + 3 key SNU astronomers (H. M. Lee, M. G. Lee, & M. Im) Optical+NIR imaging (BRI + JH) Spectroscopic data (> 1000 redshfits) Papers (11 micron sources, etc) SPICA Collaboration Example 2: CLEVL (Cluster Evolution Study) PI: H. M. Lee (SNU), low-z (M. G. Lee), mid-z (Takagi), high-z (Takagi/Watarai) + Japanese/SNU participants
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Previous + Current Subaru-related collaborations Small projects: Stellar clusters (Arimoto + M. G. Lee) IC10 (Karoji, + M. G. Lee, M. Im) High-z galaxy, quasar search projects (PIs: Kashikawa, Hibon, + Im) AKARI-related (Takagi, Wada, Kodama, Hanami, etc + SNU AKARI group) Man Power: NAOJ postdoc (N. Hwang)
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Future Collaboration More small collaboration projects Collaboration of large-scale programs, surveys HSC? WFMOS? (AKARI) Scientific projects + Instrumentation projects SNU can possibly lead such collaborations (e.g., CEOU resources) Joint workshop Exchange of research personnel (postdocs, students)
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) Possible ideas Two of Astronomy faculties are GMT Korean science working group members (M. G. Lee, & M. Im) Discussion on projects on route to GMT era is on-going (Subaru project?) CEOU is starting a survey project (8-years) and possibly instrument project Funding available 150 square degree NIR imaging survey
14-16 January, 2009Subaru User’s Meeting (NAOJ) CEOU/Astronomy Projects LBGs and star formation at high redshift Proto-cluster of galaxies at z > 2 Quasars (high redshift/low redshift) Low redshift cluster of galaxies AKARI imaging study of extragalactic fields Fundamental plan of early-types GRB follow-up observation Y-band imaging survey CCD Camera (4k x 4k camera, and a new camera with deep depletion chips)