Mark Bowen Acting Theme Leader – Technologies for Radio Astronomy CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science 14 October 2010 Australia Telescope Users Committee Technologies Report – October 2010
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy Graeme Carrad has taken on the role of Deputy Director while a replacement for Lewis Ball is recruited. Mark Bowen has stepped in to Graeme’s roles as Theme Leader and Research Program Leader in an acting capacity for the same period. Staff
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy Status Initial test observations using 64MHz zoom modes are currently underway. 1MHz zoom mode will be revisited to rectify known baseline problems. Anticipated that 4MHz and 16MHz modes will follow in that order. Phil Edwards will describe progress in greater detail. Compact Array Broadband Backend Challenges The imminent retirement of Warwick Wilson means we are canvassing of options for continuing his CABB work.
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy 1 – 3GHz Receiver Progress OMT replacement complete. (Aug 2010) Dewar and RF signal path upgrade completed on 4 antennas. (Aug 2010) CA05 will be the next antenna to be outfitted in October CA05 installation will include prototype receiver electronics. ATCA outfitting scheduled to be completed in December Spare receiver and remaining work to be completed in early /13 and 6/3 cm Upgrade Project
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy 1 – 3GHz Receiver Performance 20/13 and 6/3 cm Upgrade Project Jamie Stevens has completed beam pattern measurements. Available at: on Primary beams are symmetrical within 6%, independent of frequency ( GHz).
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy 4 – 12GHz Receiver Upgrade Australian Astronomy Limited (AAL) funding secured for upgrade. Funding commences in July Scheduled for completion in June Prototype 4 – 12GHz LNA development is currently underway. Initial prototype LNA under test in early Prototype receiver under test in laboratory mid /13 and 6/3 cm Upgrade Project
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy Parkes Equipment Control and Monitor Parkes Development Projects Switch matrix installation underway during current maintenance shutdown. Software controlled switching between Parkes conversion system and standard backends. (20 Oct 2010) Interface via a simple GUI. Integration with Telescope Control System (TCS) ongoing. Power room monitoring and generator work also occurring during shutdown. Remaining elements of project scheduled for completion during 2011.
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy Parkes Drive Control Critical Design Review scheduled for November New MCP scheduled for installation during major maintenance shutdown in March Full commissioning scheduled for mid Parkes Development Projects
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy Parkes Receiver Rationalisation H-OH feed designed and manufactured under contract by BAE Australia. (July 2010) H-OH feed tested on ICT Centre range. (Sep 2010) H-OH feed commissioning scheduled for March Remaining elements of project: S/X Dual banding (MARS Rx) C-Band receiver replacement On hold due to availability of manpower and budget. Parkes Development Projects
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy Water Vapour Radiometer 6 WVR systems delivered. Spare system returned to Astrowave for modification (filter replacement). 5 systems installed on the ATCA. Sample calibrated data collected with CA03 and CA04. Preliminary measurements indicate data tracks water vapour phase. Remaining systems to installed and calibrated during late Software development and integration into MIRIAD required. (March 2011) Operations Projects
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy CABB Phase II ATCA L/S Receiver Upgrade ATCA C/X Receiver Upgrade ASKAP PrepSKA and PAFSKA Parkes Operations Projects Future Development Projects CASS Engineering Development Program Commissioning Research Implementation Water Vapour radiometers
CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science - Technologies for Radio Astronomy Engineering Development – The Future What is the future of the CASS engineering development program? Engineering development day (including CDSCC) held during September A range of ideas for the future projects were canvassed. Ongoing discussions with astronomers regarding possible future projects.
Thank you CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Mark Bowen Acting Theme Leader – Technologies for Radio Astronomy Phone: Web: Contact Us Phone: Fax: Web: