Role of Missionary staff and its effects- Receiving facility Perspective Arrival of first AIM missionary in Kenya Arrival of Missionary from America in Kijabe, Kenya – Start a medical clinic at Kijabe, now a 265 hospital bed capacity. A.I.C Kijabe hospital is 60 kilometers from Nairobi on the Nairobi Kampala High way.
Partnerships Kijabe hospital has partnerships with: AIM, SIM, BRRI, CHAK, UON, MOI University, CFI (Christian Services International), MOH, IHV, PAACS, COSECSA….
Role of Missionary staff and its effects- Receiving facility Perspective In 2007, the hospital operating budget was …… 85% of this was financed by patient fees. 15% was financed by missionary as calculated by equivalent of salaries of positions held. Almost all capital developments were financed by donations. 90,000 patients were treated at our out patients clinics. NO PATIENT IN NEED OF CARE WAS TURNED AWAY. 7,000 surgical operations were done in our 5 Theatres.
Role of Missionary staff and its effects- Receiving facility Perspective Other services: 1.HIV/AIDS program with > 5,000 clients. 2.Pathology laboratory service 45 hospital across East Africa.
Dr.Ace Barnes (Pathologist) with Dragon Computer that listens to a human voice and transcribes
1.Rehabilitation of children with physical deformities such as hydrocephalus, spinal bifida etc.
Role of Missionary staff and its effects- Receiving facility Perspective 4.Delivery of 2,000 babies. 5. Bed to bed evangelism with > 1,000 accepting Jesus.
Role of Missionary staff and its effects- Receiving facility Perspective Education programs. 1.Nursing students training since 1980 with > 700 nurses trained. 2.Medical doctors internships sine accepted each year. 3.Mmed in Family medicine working with Moi University since 2004.
Role of Missionary staff and its effects- Receiving facility Perspective 4. KRNA training since nurse graduated with a Diploma in anesthesia giving. 5. Training of Healthcare workers in latest HIV/AIDS care practices- more 200 workers from more than 20 hospital trained since 2004
Impact 1. Subsidized good quality medical care available to many poor people. 2. Referral hospital with research capability and education programs. 3. Many good quality equipment available with help of missionary staff.
4. A multi-cultural working and living environment demonstrating the diversity of body of Christ. “….. Conversations and activities that are “safe” and “Christian” are best ”
The Future Sustainability. 1.Increase the number of Africans in all levels of care. 2.Develop funding by marketing locally and abroad, foundation. 3.Get more partners on board such as MOH, CDF, local youth, women’s and other groups
Sustainability……. 4. Improve HIMS and tracking of costs.
Phyllis ( Pathologist Assistant speaking to the Dragon Computer
Oxygen plant
Patient registration made easy
Web Camera for long distance consultations and discussions
Aerial Picture of Kijabe