OBSTACLES and ADVERSITY How Do We Deal With Them
First –Who Am I and Why Am I Here? Charlie Endicott-Associate Director of Career Services Great Athlete-2 nd Team All County High School Football Linebacker in WV Played in first high school state b-ball championship in the WV Coliseum WV Coliseum WV Coliseum Show the Trophy-(I know you won’t believe me) Ask to walk-on at Fairmont State College in WV Watched two of the practices and decided my skills would best be used elsewhere-nice way of saying-”they hit way too hard” I work in the Career Center and teach a class here on- campus Why am I here-Coach ask me to speak to you because he knows I truly love SU football
Some More Stuff About Me and You I always look forward to watching SU football on a Saturday Being part of the campus community and the Salisbury community in general I can honestly say that SU football is part of the community Salisbury (I have only been here 9 years) has made this football program part of them and the reason for that is you and your coaching staff- you truly represent SU in such a positive way The games are fun to watch and always exciting One thing is for sure, I will be in the stands on as many Saturdays as possible
What I Respect About SU Football Never give up Always fighting Always emotional (some words I had never heard before!) Always looking for a way to win Never blaming one another Always leaning on each other for support When something unexpected happens the team always responds in a positive way
Many Times It Is Hard to Respond to Things That Have Went Bad In a Positive Way-This is called dealing with adversity What is adversity?-(a state, condition, or instance of serious or continued difficulty- things just don’t go right) Personal problems Social problems Loss of a friend Illness Academic Problems Athletic Problems Injury
Adversity Happens On a Football Field-correct-examples? Fumbles Missed Tackles InterceptionsPenaltiesInjuriesLossesSacks Let me go on to say as a poor ex- quarterback none of these are his fault
My Adversity and My Obstacles I encountered a situation that changed my life on July 20, 2003 That was the date I broke my neck and bruised my spinal cord The breaking of the neck was not so bad-it was that darn bruise that made things so tough! It was a surfing accident (should have know better at my age) wave flipped my body over my head and I was immediately paralyzed from the neck down
Before July 20, 2003 I was a 48 year old male who could almost keep up with Coach Wood in basketball! I could bench press 320 lbs. This was me before. I played basketball almost every day I had applied to the PhD program at UMES I was ready to take my licensure for Counseling My twin sons were 15 years old and I was active helping them play sports My wife and I were able to travel frequently Life was good!!
After July 20, 2003 I can no longer chase Coach up and down the basketball court! My bench press now is a whopping 120 lbs! This is me now. I can now drive a golf ball about 60 yards (that is not that much off from before!) My vertical leap for basketball is about the height of a dime No energy to do the PhD program at UMES-YET! Can’t travel long distances due to medications and pump Now my sons walk me to my car and help me up the steps
Obstacles/Adversities Wondering if I were going to live or die Not being able to move anything for six weeks Hearing the neurosurgeon tell his team that here was a 48 year old quad who would never work again and be in a nursing home the rest of his life Placing me on a motion table Being in a rehab hospital for 6 straight months and away from my family Eating hospital food Being bathed by a team of nurses Taking 5 people to move me from my hospital bed to my wheelchair Having to take two shots per day in my stomach
More Obstacles Not being able to flip a fly off my face Not being able to get my food up to my mouth Having a steel plate inserted in my neck to stabilize my spinal cord Taking so much medication that I could not read one paragraph without falling asleep Having leg cramps so bad it makes you cry Encountering a blood clot that I was told must not progress to my heart or it could kill me
What Made Me Overcome This Adversity? I don’t know-I am not someone special-I don’t have a magic wand I do think my athletic background helps-it taught me to never give up, fight and lean on others for support. All I knew was I wasn’t quitting I knew I would: Work again-Teach again Drive again Dress myself-Eat by myself And go watch a great SU football game again!!
Dealing With Adversity Daily I simply take one day at a time Try to find something positive in that day Never get caught up in blaming others Many times I have said “Why Me” but this attitude is not productive and has no outcomes-that is not to say I still don’t think it from time to time We all have so much to offer Good luck tomorrow!!!