Bell Ringer 12/1/ How was JFK killed? 2.What happened to Lee Harvey Oswald? 3.What kind of action did Martin Luther King, Jr. call for African- Americans to take?
What happened to Jack Ruby? After the shooting, he said his killing of Oswald would show the world that "Jews have guts," that he helped the city of Dallas "redeem" itself in the eyes of the public, and that Oswald's death would spare Jackie Kennedy the ordeal of appearing at Oswald's trial. Ruby stated that he shot Oswald to avenge Kennedy. He successfully appealed his conviction. As a date for his new trial was being set, he became ill and died. Ruby made a final statement from his hospital bed that he alone had been responsible for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. "There is nothing to hide," Ruby said. "There was no one else.“ He died of lung cancer at Parkland Hospital, where Lee Harvey Oswald had died and Kennedy had been pronounced dead after his assassination. He is buried in the Westlawn Cemetery in Chicago.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Preached non- violence and peaceful protest Founder and first president of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)
Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks refused to move seats, Dec. 1, Montgomery NAACP workers tirelessly sent flyers encouraging people to carpool or walk. Boycott lasted until Dec. 20, 1956, and led to a Supreme Court decision that declared the Alabama segregated bus laws unconstitutional.
Civil Rights Legislation Civil Rights Act of 1964 – banned discrimination in public places and accommodations Civil Rights Act of 1968 – law that banned discrimination in housing Voting Rights Act – eliminated literacy tests and enabled federal officers to register voters denied at the local level
Malcolm X Black Muslim minister Preached a militant approach to civil rights, black power, & black pride The “X” symbolized a rejection of “slave names” Shot in 1965 by members of the Nation of Islam
Black Panther Party 1960’s and 1970’s – “The Black Panthers” were an African-American group founded on civil rights and self-defense Oakland, California: born upon a desire to spread the words of Malcolm X Black power, black nationalism, community development (improvement)