Community POWER: Environmental Victory Julie Gordon, Project Manager
Camden Community in NW Minneapolis 2000 census data 31,250 residents average household income is nearly $20,000 less than Twin Cities average ethnic diversity 42% Caucasian 34% African-American 15% Asian 5% Hispanic 4% Other Minneapolis
Victory Environment Committee Goal of becoming the greenest neighborhood in Minneapolis Were well on the way, because of our Community POWER Grant. Thank you!
Environmental Victory Goals 1.Vermicomposting in the community and school 2.Reduce Household Hazardous Waste/ Nontoxic Alternatives 3.Education and Outreach Program
Strategy 1: Vermicomposting Activities
Weve got worms! Train-the-Trainer by Carver County Two workshops for community Vermicomposting Tupperware parties 44 vermicomposting bins Strategy 1: Vermicomposting Community Activities
Strategy 1: Vermicomposting Loring School Activities Vermiculture integrated into second grade curriculum: reading, writing, science, math Students will lead families in building 12 vermicompost bins. Families will draw to win the bins.
Strategy 1: Vermicomposting Success Academy (Mpls Public Alternative) BONUS! Not originally part of POWER project Science teacher lives in Victory Vermicompost bin used in science classroom for 80 students
Strategy 2: Reduce Household Hazardous Waste Workshops 54 people attended Reduce Household Toxins and Low-Impact Gardening Workshops
Strategy 3: Education and Outreach Community Events Camden Farmers Market Victory Neighborhood Meeting Lowry Avenue Harvest Festival Minneapolis Parks Earth Day Clean Up Low Waste Holidays activity at Holiday on 44 th Victory Ice Cream Social June 2010 – planned waste-free event
Strategy 3: Education and Outreach Community Events Collaboration with Hennepin County Environmental Services: Holiday on 44 th Low Waste Holidays Reduce Household Hazardous Waste Workshop
Monthly columns in Camden News circ. 12,500 Articles in NorthNews– circ. 29,000 Strategy 3: Education and Outreach Articles
Environmental Victory Sustainability Worm project will remain vigorous! Worm bins will be passed down to new classes is the fall Word of mouth will lead to more bins in community Environment Committee Members will continue education and outreach