Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) Kathleen Kozar, Director Norey Laug, Associate Director March 7, 2013
Information Resources List Serves – Biomedical, Science & Engineering, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities Contact Shane Aubrey to get added to the list Sponsored Projects Administration’s web page Links to Agencies, Investigator’s manual, forms, Federal Regulations, Tulane policies Individualized Funding Searches – Grant Forward
Grant Forward (formerly “IRIS”) Access to Grant Forward: Search Grant Forward for opportunities in every field from many types of sponsors: federal, foundations, corporations, other orgs. Set up an individual account to save your searches or receive alerts to new opportunities.
Grants.gov A federal portal or entryway that allows users to find and apply for federal funding PI’s can search for and download application packages for federal funding
National Endowment for the Humanities NEH grants Website: neh.gov/gr ants neh.gov/gr ants
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) NEA Apply for Grants site: pply/index.html Follow this link to see recent NEA awards: cent/index.html
National Science Foundation (NSF) Find NSF Funding: gov/funding/in dex.jsp gov/funding/in dex.jsp Find NSF Grants awarded: gov/awardsear ch/ gov/awardsear ch/
Louisiana Board of Regents (BOR) programs/ RFPs issue in August each year SPA announces RFPs on the listservs
BOR Research Competitiveness Subprogram The RCS is a stimulus program available to researchers who are currently not competitive for federal support but show strong potential for achieving national research competitiveness in an area funded by the federal government.
BOR Research Competitive Subprogram (RCS) ELIGIBLE DISCIPLINES GROUP I - ELIGIBLE EVERY YEAR Biological Sciences Computer and Information Sciences** Earth/Environmental Sciences GROUP II - ELIGIBLE IN FY Agricultural Sciences Engineering A (Chemical, Civil, Electrical, etc.) Mathematics Physics/Astronomy Social Sciences GROUP III - ELIGIBLE IN FY Chemistry Health and Medical Sciences Engineering B (Industrial, Materials, Mechanical, etc.) REMEMBER TO CHECK THE TAXONOMY in APPENDIX A of the RFP!
BOR Traditional Enhancement Provides funds to develop the infrastructure of academic, research, or agricultural units and promote the State’s economic development. A spectrum of enhancement activities, from equipment purchases to curricular redesign, are allowed and encouraged.
BOR Traditional Enhancement GROUP I – ELIGIBLE FY Biological Sciences Computer and Information Sciences Engineering B (Industrial, Materials, Mechanical, etc.) Humanities Social Sciences GROUP II – ELIGIBLE FYs Agricultural Sciences Arts Earth/Environmental Sciences Engineering A (Chemical, Civil, Electrical) Health and Medical Sciences GROUP III – ELIGIBLE FYs , Business Chemistry Education Mathematics Physics/Astronomy REMEMBER TO CHECK THE TAXONOMY in APPENDIX A of the RFP!
BOR ATLAS Louisiana Artists and Scholars (ATLAS) Program provides support to faculty in arts, humanities, and social sciences disciplines to complete major scholarly and artistic productions The primary focus of ATLAS is the scholarly or artistic merit of the proposed work. Projects are assessed based on their necessity, importance, originality, and likelihood to have an impact on a broad academic and/or artistic community.
Other Federal Sponsors NIH: Justice: Education: Smithsonian: Homeland Security:
Proposal Preparation Provide assistance with the non-technical aspects of proposals. Budget development– calculate salaries, fringe benefit rates, indirect costs, etc. Interpret sponsor proposal guidelines. Provide guidance for electronic proposal submission. Assist with certifications and compliance issues. Provide institutional authorized signatures on proposals.
Proposal Handouts Proposal Information Sheet Tulane Proposal Routing Form Contact information in Sponsored Projects Administration
Award Notification/ Account Set-up Review the award terms and conditions and negotiate with the sponsor as necessary Provide institutional signatures on award agreements (note: faculty are not authorized to sign any agreements) Work with Grants & Contracts Accounting to establish account unique to your award − A “5-ledger”, a.k.a “restricted account” Issue subcontracts as necessary Provide guidance to faculty on foreign-based projects
Post-award Administration Advise on and interpret sponsor’s rules and guidelines Review certain expenditures (e.g. salary charges, equipment, etc.)
Post-award Administration Approve extensions and rebudgeting Submit requests for programmatic and budget changes to sponsors Assist with administrative closeout of awards
Conclusion Sponsored Projects Administration will: Provide assistance with the non-technical aspects of proposals Review, negotiate and obtain signatures on award documents Provide assistance with post award administration