Series Circuits Series circuits are the type of circuits that most Christams tree lights have. If one bulb goes out, all the bulbs go out.
Parallel Circuits Parallel circuits are the type of circuits that are used in houses. If one bulb goes out…..(your tv goes out), all the other things……refrigerator, lights, and radio can still work.
Open circuit An open circuits is when the electricity can not flow (since it needs to go all the way around in a circle to flow) Open circuits = nothing works (light bulb is off)
Closed circuits Closed circuits is circuits where the electricity is flowing…… gap……electricity can go all the way around in a circle. Closed circuits = Everything works (light bulb is on)
Repel Repel means to pull away. Charges that repel from each other…..pull away from each other. (Like charges) Looks the same…….repel (pull away from each other)
Attract Attract means to be pulled together…….charges that attract other charges are pulled together… Opposites attract
Conductors Conductors let electricity flow …..(can hurt you)…..the metal that electricity flows through. Be careful not to get shocked.
Insulators Insulators do not allow electricity to flow……..(helps protect you)…..the plastic around a cord.