Step-by-step instructions for adding a 658 tag to an existing MARC record.
Step 1 Step 1: Open the UnicornECOLE by SIRSI. Its the WorkFlows icon on the desktop. 1
Step 2 Step 2: Enter your User ID and PIN. 2a 2b
Step 3 Step 3: Left click on the Cataloging button. 3
Step 4 Step 4: Left click on the Maintain Titles button. 4
Step 5 Step 5: Type in the title of the book and click OK 1. (Remember the book must already be cataloged into your collection.) 5
Example of what youll see. This is the MARC record for the item that you want to enhance. Everything you save will become part of the permanent record. Be confident and careful. Double check your work as you proceed through the steps.
Step 6 Step 6: The 040 tag – Cataloging Source This is the tag that tells who created, modified and/or enhanced a tag. Add your LC/NUC code. For example, the RCLCs code is |dOKeU-LI. (The | is the key above enter while shifting. Be sure to check capitalization and numbers vs. letters.) Note: If you do not know your LOC code check with your ITC. 6
Step 7 Step 7: Put your cursor in the box with the number that comes just before 658. (This will, of course, vary. Place the cursor in what tag comes numerically just before 658.) 7
Step 8 Step 8: Click the 2 nd button in the upper right-hand corner. Its the one with the little green down arrow. 8
Step 9 Step 9: An empty tag will be inserted. Type 658 into the first empty box. 9
Step 10 Step 10: Open the INFOhio website: (Do not close WorkFlows. Youll be cutting and pasting into the 658 tag in a few steps.) Click the Academic Content Standards button. 10
Step 11 Step 11: Click on Aligning Resources to Ohios Academic Content Standards. 11
Step 12: Choose the appropriate Content Area. It is possible that you may have to return to this page later to add an additional Content Area if a book correlates to more than one subject area. 12 Step 12
Step 13 Step 13: Choose the appropriate Standard Statement and click. It is possible that you may have to return to this page later to add an additional Standard Statement if a book correlates to more than one standard. 13
Step 14 Step 14: Scroll down until you find the desired grade, benchmark, and indicator. Then click the blue link. 14
Step 15 Step 15: Make sure you go to the 658 Tag for Sirsi K-12 Product. (It is below the 658 Tag for MultiLIS.) 15
Step 16 Step 16: Highlight the entire area as shown above. It is everything between the bold print. Then copy it. (You can hold down the control key and press the c key or right click on your mouse and copy). 16
Step 17 Step 17: Place your cursor in the third empty box. 17
Step 18 Step 18: Paste the copied tag into the box. (Hold down the control key and press the v key or right click and paste. You may have to do this a few times.) 18
Step 19 Step 19: At the end of the tag add your LC/NUC code in subfield 3. For example, the RCLCs code is |3OKeU-LI. (The | is the key above enter while shifting. Be sure to check capitalization and numbers vs. letters.) 19
Step 20 Step 20: Repeat this step for each individual indicator. This record has six 658 tags. 20
Step 21 Step 21: Click OK 1. You have successfully enhanced a MARC record by adding a 658 tag. 21
Created by Judy Crist & Lauren Gregory 2006 Graduate Assistants Reinberger Childrens Library Center School of Library & Information Science Institute of Library and Information Literacy Education Kent State University