AEC-net teachers at Alssundgymnasiet i Sønderborg Okt ◦ The Danish Education System ◦ AGS and internationalization
General upper secondary schools School-based academically oriented programmes Qualifies students for general admission to higher education Admission requirements Completion of compulsory education and certain subject requirements Four programmes STX:The 3-year Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination HF:The 2-year Higher Preparatory Examination Course HHX:The 3-year Higher Commercial Examination HTX:The 3-year Higher Technical Examination
STX:The 3-year Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination Obligatory subjects: Danish, History, P.E., English, Mathematics, Physics, Religion, Ancient History, 2nd Language Optional subjects: Music, Art, Chemistry, Psychology, Design, Astronomy, Business Economics, Geografy,
AGS Focus points Science Internationalization
UNESCO-School Baltic Sea Project – BSP Transatlantic Slave Trade Project - TST
Other international activities. Comenius-projects with other European schools Exchange-programmes – Germany and USA Student participation in international activities and competitions. Study-tours Chinese Area Studies