The Nervous System The information and control system
Do Now: Can you make the bulb light up? Draw it in your science journal.
What does the bulb need in order to light up?
Your body is like the light bulb: it needs a completed circle to work. Bounce the ball to each other. What does your body need to do to catch it?
Functions or Jobs of the Nervous System 1.Receive Information 2. Respond to information 3. Maintain homeostasis
Receive Information You use your senses (which are part of the nervous system) to know what is going on outside you. Your body also uses the nervous system to tell what is going on inside.
Respond to information Any change or signal that makes an organism react is a stimulus A response is what you do in reaction to a stimulus
Maintain Homeostasis Respond to internal or external stimulus I’m hungry
Parts of the Nervous System Your system is made up of 1. The brain 2. The nerve cells called neurons 3. The spinal cord
Divisions of the Nervous system Central nervous system Peripheral Nervous system
Brain Why is it so wrinkly? Think about other parts of your body that have a lot of folds like that? (for example: your alveoli, your small intestine)
Neurons Cells that carry information through your nervous system Brainpop - neurons
Dendrites Cell Body Impulses Axon Axon tips One Nerve Cell Synapse
Nerve to nerve
Three Kinds of Neurons Sensory neuron – picks up stimuli and changes it into a nerve impulse Interneuron – passes the impulse from neuron to neuron Motor neuron – send nerve impulse to muscle, causing muscle to contract
Fire Heat stimulus
Do Now: Make a flowchart that explains how a nerve impulse is transmitted through the body. Include a stimulus that is detected by receptors, which trigger a sensory nerve, then interneurons, which in turn sends the impulse to a motor neuron.
Central Nervous system Brain Spinal Cord
Do Now 1. Have your partner sit on the desk with legs dangling. 2. Sharply tap the patellar tendon of the crossed leg, right under the kneecap, with the side of your hand and note the response. Compare responses in the right and left knees. 3. Repeat step one, but have your partner perform Jendrassik’s maneuver: a. clasp his or her hands at chest level in front of your body with your fingers locked b. have him or her try to vigorously to pull the hands apart while you tap the patellar tendon as before.
Brain Three Parts of Brain Cerebrum - Senses, thinking, movement, learning Cerebellum – Coordination and balance Brain stem – involuntary actions (breathing, heartrate) ms/brain/ Pinky and the brain song
Reflex or Deliberate Action Reflex Response occurs without thought or concentration Examples: pupil size Knee jerk Blinking when something comes at your face Deliberate action Response requires thought or learning Controlled by the cerebrum Choose to respond or act Ex. Reading colors
Games ody/interactives/3djigsaw_02/index.shtml?s keleton Parts of brain song - it is on utube so is blocked from the schools site but you can copy and paste at home. p?option=com_content&view=article&id=65 7:parts-of-the-brain- song&catid=335&Itemid=55 Check out for vocab, search Levinwww.quizlet